Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 195,354,468 Issue: 845 | 26th day of Collecting, Y20
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Pumpkin Themed Halloween Customizations

by aleu1986


     Who ever said that when customizing your Neopets for Halloween you have to make them look spooky and evil? In this article I want to show some examples of how you can customize your Neopets in a Halloween look that isn`t dark and scary. The red thread with these customizations is pumpkins and jack-o-lantern items. The Month of Collecting is Pumpkin season, after all!


     Welcome to Fall Background

     Jack-O-Lantern Pail

     Fall Festivities Trinket

     Halloween Footed Pajamas

     Black Halloween Caplet

     Messy Short Hair

     Pumpkin Hanging Lantern

     This background can easily be transformed into a Halloween-themed one with a few small additions. This is my example, and I have added suggestions to alternative items below.

     I know wearing a pajamas doesn`t count as a proper costume, but doesn`t he look cute? All ready for a fun night of gathering treats! The caplet can be removed for a cleaner, simpler look.


     Outfit: Use Mysterious Cape with Cowl to make your little trick-or-treating Neopet look like a mysterious super hero. Consider using Vampire Costume Face Paint to give your Neopets face a pale, spooky glow.

     Decorations: Jack-O-Lantern Chandelier can be used instead of the lantern. Pumpkin Snowman, Sparkling Jack-o-Lantern and Trick-or-Treat Pumpkin are other examples of family friendly Halloween decorations that could be placed outside this Neohome.


     Designer Trick-or-Treat Bag

     Halloween Tutu

     Ghostly Braids Wig

     Trick-or-Treat Doorstep Background

     Pumpkin String Lights

     Spyder Web Tights with Shoes

     Halloween Rose Gloves

     This is a girl trick-or-treat customization, and similarly to the boy one, I wanted to go for a childish vibe. I think the Halloween Tutu is a cute item, but I found myself struggling to find a wig or hat that would fit. I finally settled on the Ghostly Braids.

     The pumpkins on the porch are part of the background itself, and the Pumpkin String Lights were added to underline the pumpkin theme as well as compliment the string lights already flashing on either side of the door.

     Let`s hope the residents of this house gives this Ruki plenty of treats – or they might be in for a trick!


     Wig: In my opinion a black or brown wig looks best with this ensemble. Want your Neopet to be a brunette and still keep the girly looking hairdo? Use Fishtail Braided Pigtail Wig. Deadly Beauty Wig is a sleek and long version of the Ghostly Braids. Also consider Dark Wavy Hair Wig which gives your Neopet a set of black bouncy curls. Gorgeous!

     Finally, an unconventional choice, the Fashionable Bone Wig. The light brown hair is refreshing against the dark colours of the outfit, and the bones in the wig carry the theme of the tutu. If you look closely, you can see that the belt buckle is made up of little bones.

     Dress: Pumpkin Labeled Dress is a NP wearable, a cute black dress featuring a pattern of Jack-O-lanterns.

     Shoes: Try Gothic School Girl Tights and Boots or Darkest Faerie Tights and Boots. Both sets feature stripey stockings with colours that clash a bit with the orange tutu, but in most species the skirt covers the tights so only the shoes are shown.

     Use Pitch Black Tights & Boots to tone the outfit down if you feel the orange and black colour scheme is a little much.

     Gloves: I don`t think gloves are strictly needed for this outfit, but Black Lace-Up Gloves and Basic Black Gloves are good alternatives to the Halloween Rose Gloves. Or you could go with no gloves at all. Up to you.


     Pumpkin Patch Background

     Halloween Striped Shirt and Tie

     Cobweb Shoes

     Smarmy Monocle

     Light Pumpkins Branch

     Silly Faces Pumpkin Foreground

     Dapper Deathly Union Top Hat

     Black Utility Trousers

     After making two childish trick-or-treat themed customizations, I wanted to make two looks with a more grown-up feel, and ended up with this handsome Lutari and the Usul below who is going to the ball. This Lutari is off to a Halloween party, and is taking a stroll through the pumpkin patch.

     The Silly Faces Pumpkin Foreground is a fun and light-hearted Halloween themed item, and I gave the Lutari a top hat and monocle to match the white painted pumpkin in the foreground.

     Even if this is a daytime background, it`s still clear what the occasion is.


     Hat: Spooky Spyder Top Hat matches the cobwebs on the shoes.

     Trousers: Use Dapper Deathly Union Trousers if you want to match the hat from the same set. Striped Neovian Trousers or Vivacious Black Trousers will also make your male Neopet look quite smart for the Halloween party.


     Lighted Autumn Staircase Background

     Pumpkin Carriage

     Pretty Pumpkins Foreground

     MME17-S2b: Sparkling Blue Ball Mask

     Shining Princess Wig

     MME4-S7: Shimmering Star Ball Gown

     Shining Princess Gloves

     Glitter Leggings and Shoes

     Compared to the other customizations, this one has a more general feel to it and may not look like it was made for Halloween. This day is about dressing up, however, which is exactly what this Usul has done. She`s off to a fancy Halloween masquerade, and the pumpkin carriage is waiting to take her away.

     This is another example of how you don`t need to make your Neopet look spooky for this holiday, you can make a pretty, feminine and colourful customization and still be within the theme of Halloween.


     Background: Shaded Garden Path Background gives a discreet backdrop to the large, dominating Pumpkin Carriage and the colourful items in the foreground.

     Breezy Autumn Path Background makes it look like your Neopet is traveling down an avenue with bright orange tree crowns all around.

     Haunted Woods Autumn Background. If you want to give this customization a darker twist, use this background and remove the flowery pumpkins in the foreground. It will look like your Neopet took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in a dark, scary forest... * ominous music plays*

     Wig: Tower Princess Wig is another pretty blonde wig with flowers that echo the decorated pumpkins.

     Dress: Consider MME17-S1: Winters Eve Ball Gown for another gorgeous ball gown with a darker blue tone, or Gown of the Night for a stunning dress with a flowing cape adorned with silver stars. A Neopoint wearable is Trudy's Ball Gown, a royal blue dress with a belt shaped like flowers.

     Your Neopet will be the belle of the Halloween ball!

     Gloves: White or blue gloves suit this ensemble. Basic Blue Gloves or White Lace Gloves are good options.

     Shoes: Shining Princess Shoes, Little Babaa Shepherdess Shoes, Midnight Frost Shoes.


     Spooky Pumpkin Patch Background

     Mysterious Velveteen Dress

     Spooky Sprouted Pumpkins

     Glowing Book of Spells

     Magicians Wig

     Nightmare Bristle Cape

     For the final customization in this article, I wanted to show an example of a classic Halloween look. An evil sorceress is casting dark spells in a spooky forest with green eyed Crokabeks observing silently.

     For a male Neopet, you may replace the dress with MME19-S2b: Menacing Plague Doctor Tunic or perhaps MiniMME15-S1: Daring Seafarer Tunic. The Three Collectors Cloak is also a solid choice.

     Also consider Black Candle and Pumpkins Foreground. The perfect foreground item for a scary outdoor scene.

     Happy Halloween!


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