For an easier life Circulation: 195,348,202 Issue: 844 | 19th day of Collecting, Y20
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Mundane Mysteries 2

by birthdaylockedout

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Trouble At The National Neopian?
NEOPIA CENTRAL -- The always-welcoming Bank Manager of the National Neopian Bank sits behind his well-worn desk, as he has for almost two full decades now.

by kittyinthewater


Costume Parties
A Kiko & a Jubjub walk into a halloween party..

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Happy Month of Collecting
bring on the leaves!

by umbrex


Extraordinary Alien Aishas
Alien Aishas are one of the most unique pets out there. With six ears instead of four and a red triangle symbol on their forehead, they are unlike all other Aishas.

by _clows_cool_pets

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