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10 NC Essentials for Your Winter Customisation

by breakeven


     As Winter slowly drifts into Neopia and covers everything in a gradual blanket of white, it is time for us to ease out of our fall wardrobe and switch in to our winter ones. Winter is definitely one of our favourite seasons. There are so many facets of winter that we love – the glorious snowy outdoors, or the warm and cosy Christmas indoors by the fire and Christmas decor, what should we try to portray in our next pet customisation?

     To make things easier for you, we have collated together some of our favourite winter and festive NC items that we find absolutely essential this season!

          Choosing a background is definitely crucial in setting the story you want to tell, here are a few of our favourite scenes to depict:


     Winter Wonderland Sunset Background (3-4)

     One that tops the list is definitely the Winter Wonderland Sunset Background. Tranquil and soothing, the sun slowly sets in the background as you take a slow evening stroll along the river. The lovely pink and orange hues contrast the snowy whites, providing a clean backdrop and room for your customisation in the foreground. We would recommend adding a foreground to it, but leaving out garlands which may block the sunset hues of this background. Dress your pet in a lovely cape or coat as it will be cold outdoors!


     Christmas Music Parlour Background (2-4)

     Another of our favourite backgrounds is the Christmas Music Parlour Background – an ideal and cosy setting indoors, coupled with a fireplace, a christmas tree and lots of presents! We all love depicting a scene right when Christmas is round the corner; as presents are laid out beneath the Christmas tree and we wait in anticipation to open them, with festive tunes softly playing. We would recommend dressing your pet in cosy clothes: thick sweaters or even pyjamas and plush toys with this background.

          Next up, we have foregrounds and trinkets which are equally important in a customisation as they add on layers to your story and complements the background used.


     Dyeworks White: Snow Covered Flowers Foreground (1-2)

     These snow covered flowers brings about a sense of tranquility, as a fresh fall of snow have fallen. There are a few versions of these Snow Covered Flowers Foreground, but we love the white ones the most as we find them more versatile! For one it goes really well with the Winter Wonderland Sunset Background we mentioned above. It is a perfect yet subtle add on, should you want to fill up the foreground of your customisation.


     Snowflake Shower (2-3)

     What is winter without snowflakes falling delicately around you? As you know, snowflakes are all unique! We love how the snowflakes in this shower comes in varying sizes and colours. Showers are one of our favourite items as they do not obstruct any part of the customisation. Add the snowflake shower as a final touch, be it out in the great outdoors, or whilst doing last minute shopping on the streets of Neopia Central.

          Now that we have nailed the backgrounds and trinkets, we will be moving on to some winter clothes and accessories.


     Snow Angel Gown (1-2)

     The baby doll style of this dress drapes beautifully on most pets, and the light blue-purple makes it a staple in our closets this winter. The delicate silvery white detail completes the look and gives us our own style inspiration. This dress compliments many winter backgrounds beautifully, with no trousers needed!


     MME20-S2a: Winter Princess Gown


     This one gown – filled with solemn and elegant winter blues – is enamoured with specks of icy snowflakes that hurl the authority of royalty, the foreshadowing of matriarchy in becoming the upcoming crown of the Neopia dynasties. Lo and behold, your pet becomes a new self when attired in the desirably formidable Winter Princess Gown. (Cues: the cold never bothered me anyway theme song.)


     White Snowflake Caplet (1-2)

     This lovely White Snowflake Caplet is one of our favourite throw-ons for the winter season! For one, who does not want to keep warm, and yet look fashionably chic? This caplet, as white as a snowflake, is perfect for layering over a dress or matched with a skirt. You can still see the details of what you have layered with, creating a lovely flow.


     Fuzzy Autumn Hat and Wig (2-3)

     We know it is not autumn anymore, but don’t we all love a versatile item that can bring us through the seasons? This wig comes with a lovely hat that keeps your pet looking toasty and warm as well. Should you face any troubles coordinating the colours to your custom, the dyeworks version of this Fuzzy Autumn Hat and Wig are amazing choices too.


     White Lace Faerie Gloves (1-2)

     These White Lace Faerie Gloves are delicate and elegant yet, helps to keep your pet warm. For those of us who can’t bear to let our pets hands get cold but want them to stay stylish, this is the perfect fit! The neutral color and lace detail make it a perfect addition to any winter custom.


     Snowflake Contacts (2-3)

     Who doesn’t love a little sparkle and shimmer? For outfits that are lacking in either this winter season, these contacts are a perfect fit! A little gleam in the eye never hurt anybody. The light blue colour adds a spot of colour for customs that may be lacking. Use this in your white custom to add some colour, or build a light blue custom around these contacts.

          We hope this guide has exposed you to some winter-appropriate items should you want to start off somewhere without browsing through tons of items. We are definitely mixing and matching these items for our winter customisations, however, it is definitely not limited to this list – we wish we can go on and on about them! We do hope we have helped ignite your next winter customisation inspiration and we look forward to seeing how creatively you styled them. We wish you a very happy winter!

          Also written by lissiwciorka and jessica4828w

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