Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 196,068,857 Issue: 856 | 15th day of Awakening, Y21
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I Love Mess

by umbrex

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Great stories!


A Cheesy Valentine's Day Gift Guide
Oh, Valentine’s Day; full of love, happiness, and … cheese?! Why yes, of course! Cheese is by far the absolute best gift to give for your loved one—it’s nutritious, delicious, and screams, “I love you!”

by butterflybandage


Valentine Petpets to Help Show Your Love!
Valentine’s Day has long carried a tradition of being a time to show our Neopets love, affection, and appreciation. As the date approaches each year, many Neopians scramble to find the *perfect* gifts for their favorite Neopets.

Also by breakeven and Lookidontcare3

by ilovemykitties12


Random Oddness: Valentines
don't worry

by mistyqee


Valentine's Petpet Compatibility Quiz
Answer the questions about your pet to find them the most compatible Valentine's petpet!

by _espy_

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