Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,507,765 Issue: 857 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y21
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Monstrous Mayhem - Customization

by fallingdaybreak

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For Justice! A Guide to Heroic Sidekicks -For Collab
Hello there, Neopian Times readership of JUSTICE! Have you come to this article hoping to learn about SIDEKICKS?

You have?

Strap yourself in, young heroes, and bring lots of snacks, because you’re in for a barrage of nonstop action.

by parody_ham


Rina Comics - Volume 3
Remember, it helps to be specific!

(Also by Neoskulltula)

by benrina


The Ixi and the Queen
"Your Majesty, are you sure you wish to retain the services of a thief?"

by black_skull725


Random Oddness: Partners and Sidekicks

by mistyqee

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