Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,816,901 Issue: 865 | 10th day of Hunting, Y21
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by muggledude

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Great stories!


Preparing Early For The Altador Cup!
It's never too early to get ready for the Altador Cup! This yearly summer event is one of the most anticipated parts of playing Neopets. It comes and goes in the blink of an eye, an adrenaline fueled fever dream, and by the time it ends you'll already be wishing it was next year so you can play again!

by zuniak


Utterly Unconverted
You didn't have to put it so bluntly!

by kananja


Defenders Of Neopia and the Infinite Gauntlet
Did you know Neopia has a Infinite Gauntlet? What you would do with so much power?

by fluffalspike


Meanwhile at Neochella...
A sneak peak at the biggest music festival in all Neopia! Also by: joaozanatto

by _kathy_2004_

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