A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,728,491 Issue: 872 | 12th day of Swimming, Y21
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Darigan yooyus are... cute?

by marsbarss

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Kadoaties in the Altador Cup
Kads can participate too

Also by Skcratchii

by latrellstephen


The lonely coconut
Its a lonely world when you're constantly burning

by aweber


Eye of the Storm: A Trophy Guide!
Eye of the Storm is a low-key, relaxing puzzle game that relies on common sense and a good sense of direction. The premise of the game is to find Cyodrake’s Gaze, which unfortunately had gotten lost at sea. To do this, you must locate the ship (which is located on a tile) among a sea of other tiles (two hundred and forty, to be exact!)

by ayakae


An Adventure into the World of Smoothies
Summer is the perfect time to break out the blender and try out some refreshing, vibrant, and delicious new smoothies.

by josephinefarine

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