Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,767,810 Issue: 875 | 16th day of Hiding, Y21
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Stewing Sophie - Vol. 1

by trubiekatie

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A not-so-nice fortune
what a great fortune wow

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A Storytellers' Journey Through Legends and Folklore "(Working Title)"
The Storyteller dropped a golden-bound book on a coffee table in the still extant, albeit now much more clandestine, Catacombs.

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The Lost Tomb of the Old Kingdom
The sun’s light shined upon the dunes of the Lost Desert, casting away the cold spell that enveloped the night, giving way to waves of heat, as if the sands were lit ablaze. The seemingly endless rolling hills of sand extended far beyond the horizon, each grain sparkling in the sun, undisturbed and still. All except for one particular stretch, where the sands shifted, step by step, as three young travelers hiked through the vast expanse.

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The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Nine
Jacenty fumbled in his pockets for a piece of amber as he rushed to the nearest elevator. Upon activating it, he hurried inside. Only then was he able to take a breath and calm down.

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