Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 195,767,810 Issue: 875 | 16th day of Hiding, Y21
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Family Legends

by fleohr

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Chomby Crossing
This might be better suited for a caption contest...

by __adelaide__


Legend of the Cyber Vampire
There is a legend that has been told all around Neopia, the legend of the Cyber Vampire.

Not many know of this being, but it's been said that he lurks deep in the cyber universe, watching over the Virtupets Space Station, awaiting the moment he can take control of it's technology.

He's thought to be nothing but a fantasy, a cruel story told to Neopets who stay on their devices all day long...But are they true?

by krabbox


Making A Legend: Turning History Into Folklore
Neopia is a world filled with history and stories, new events constantly happening and changing what we knew. These events (many which go by the term “plots” if they’re particularly big in scope) are recorded into the archives of history and remade into legends for the common Neopia to easily remember and re-tell to future generations.

by pikachu315111


Just Another Day
Woodland Unis have it rough

by miacirclegirl

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