Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 195,767,810 Issue: 875 | 16th day of Hiding, Y21
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The Return of Geli

by cyberpuppy33

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What Happened To Geraptiku?
Ahhh, Mystery Island. Home to sandy shores, beautiful jungles and endless fun for everyone. At first glance there doesn’t appear to be anything mysterious about Mystery Island. It’s a vacation spot for Neopians just looking to get away from the ups and downs of life. However, if you journey deep into the depths of the jungle, you’d come across something very peculiar.

by stars4ever33


A not-so-nice fortune
what a great fortune wow

by chasingshadow


Trouble in Paradise: Urban Legends
Writers are the true cryptids, clearly.

by chasing_stars44


A Faerie with Crystal Eyes
Audriana gazed at the crystal ball, hands waving hesitantly over it. The Light Faerie gulped when, after a few seconds, the ball’s light dimmed before flickering away. “Well….” Audriana coughed. “That was unfortunate.”

by downrightdude

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