Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,866,349 Issue: 880 | 18th day of Collecting, Y21
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Halloween Costume

by carrotcakie

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Neopia`s weird items #1

by awenar


10 NC Essentials for Your Fall Customisation
Fall. Think pumpkin spice. Plaid scarves. Autumn leaves crunching beneath your feet as you wander through the newly coloured foliage, as if you are in a brand new place. The weather in Neopia gradually gets cooler and more forgiving. Who doesn’t love fall?

Also written by lookidontcare3 and masters_united

by breakeven


A Story of the Haunted Woods:Part Six
They headed back upstairs and approached Samuel’s cage. “So, about the safe in the cellar,” said Ally.

“How do you open it? Where’s the key? The combination?” added Saskori.

by june_scarlet


The Lost Eyrie
It was Wednesday. Just like any other Wednesdays, the three friends; Inrina the Xweetok, Bahgir the Eyrie and Joshua the Kacheek; would spend their afternoon picking berries at Meri Acres Farm in Meridell, a historical land where legends were born. However, Bahgir did not show up that day.

by cakenis

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