Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 195,866,349 Issue: 880 | 18th day of Collecting, Y21
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Baby Professional

by sessduh

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Great stories!


Bubble Trouble: Pop!
Uh... Where did they go?

by pknerd


Naiahtin's Doodles: Big Meanie
Lucky?! Not at the Chocolate Factory!

by _kate_e_did_


Throwing A Bori Day Party!
It is the month of Collecting, a grand month filled with pet days and of course the spooky celebration of Halloween. But before that takes place, we celebrate the day of a timid, but hardworking Neopet: The Bori.

by aleu1986


Halloween Costume
If you're scared, just rip the cloak off any spooky Halloween pets! :)

by carrotcakie

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