Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,875,282 Issue: 881 | 25th day of Collecting, Y21
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Pumpkin Carving

by depraving

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Beware The Zomutt!
A shock of light blue fur emerged from behind the Ice Caves' headstone in the Game Graveyard. Large floppy ears twitched as the Neopet raised his nose to the sky and scented the air. The Baby Lupe's red bandanna was disheveled and his eyelids drooped. He had spent the last hour challenging himself with the now retired puzzles in the Ice Caves.

by manifestbethany


Something has Happened! - Pity Party
How hard could it be to get from the Auction House to the Bank?

by _kate_e_did_


The Trials and Tribulations of Restocking
I'll take this potion please

by therealsparkle8205


Halloween Shopkeepers to Creep it Real
Halloween is upon us! It’s time to pull together your most terrifying customizations, overdose on Halloween candy, and decorate your Neohome with the spookiest decor you can afford!

What do all of these efforts have in common? NP, of course!

Also by larkspurlane

by _razcalz_

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