Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,884,288 Issue: 882 | 1st day of Storing, Y21
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Famous Halloween Characters and their Favourite Food

by breakeven


     It’s that time of the year again—when the skies set earlier and darker and the streets get more crowded with Neopians (or ghosts?) roaming or trick-or-treating. As they flocked to Haunted Woods in their lovely Halloween costumes to soak in the festive mood, so did we. It’s definitely time for Halloween!

     This year, instead of playing at the Haunted House or Deserted Fairgrounds Theme Park, my friends and I decided to do something different—to visit the famous and intimidating characters of Haunted Woods and interview them about their favourite foods! We were always curious about whether they had any preference for certain Spooky Foods. Although most of the Spooky Foods out there are questionable, it was indeed an amusing time as some of them let us sample a few dishes or two. shudders We filled our tummies with more fear than food, however.

          First up, we checked in with our favourite resident Witch, Edna, in her tower. She gives out quests to Neopians, seeking common ingredients for her various concoctions and spells, and rewards them with random spooky foods. (You can even get an elusive avatar from her!) We are not too sure if the spells work properly as we heard she accidentally turned five Meercas into a Meerca Pie. You can imagine our nervousness as we stood there in front of her, shaking with fear.


     Edna’s Favourite Food: Spooky Donuts

     Turns out, Edna has a sweet tooth and her favourite food is Spooky Donuts! Much to our relief, one of us had some stashed away in our haversack and we gave it to her as some sort of peace offering. These donuts have teeth and they bite… so we’d be careful if we were trying them ourselves. Who would win the biting competition? Would you bite it first or would it bite you?

          Next, we visited the ghost of Eliv Thade in his castle and even played a game or two with him. It was tough trying to interview him as he answered all our questions in anagram form.

     “I nodt nowk.”

     “aymeb oljaepan eecshe itngmrhtae.”


     Eliv Thade’s Favourite Food: Jalapeno Cheese Nightmare

     After having some trouble deciphering, we figured out his favourite food! He did explain to us why it was his top pick but we will spare you from the deciphering. The reason is obvious though—he loves cheese and spicy things! He even recommended pairing it with Ectoplasm Nachos. Let’s hope it does not give you nightmares if you try it, at least Eliv Thade does not need to worry about nightmares since he never sleeps...

          We know you have heard of the famous and iconic duos of Haunted Woods—The Brain Tree and the Esophagor! To answer The Brain Tree’s quest questions, you have to complete two of the Esophagor’s. In addition to some special item prizes for finishing the quests, you may win the Brain Tree avatar if you place in the high score table as well. We were not sure if the Esophagor would be giving us the answers to our interview questions on behalf of The Brain Tree…

     The Brain Tree was witty and surprisingly jovial as we had a good chat about the intricacies of the Spooky Foods of Neopia. He gave us a breakdown of what the healthier and nutritious (?!) options were, which he preferred. As a souvenir, he gave us some Brains a la Tree when we left, which was pretty nice of him although I’m not sure whether we dared to try some of his brains.


     The Brain Tree’s Favourite Food: Frothy Fruit Juice

     The Brain Tree referred to this as his green juice! Gulps. It apparently contains various healthy berries like blackberries and cranberries, although we would still question the source of this spooky drink. Well, if you ever need a drink to wash down the other delectable Spooky Foods, this is indeed a good option to consider.

     Next, we visited the Esophagor, who is known to eat just about anything as we heard his being is akin to a bottomless pit. He moaned, ”Whereeee is my foooood, mooortal? Whereeeee?!” We trembled and fumbled in our possessions for something to offer. He was not much of a talker but surprisingly, after eating almost our whole stash of food, he muttered, “Mmm, I like thissss one.”


     The Esophagor’s Favourite Food: Spectral Cinnamon Rolls

     I’m sure every food (or Neopian) is the Esophagor’s favourite, so we would not count on his pick being accurate. These Spectral Cinnamon Rolls are described to satisfy any ghostly appetite, which seems pretty apt in this situation. We would advise heading here well-prepared if you decide to visit him—we heard Neopians vanish occasionally if they stray too close to him.

          We made our last stop at the Castle Nox, home of the famous villain, Hubrid Nox. It was terrifying interviewing Hubrid Nox, as he threatened to freeze our blood several times throughout our stay. As he floated around his castle, we had no choice but to listen to him recall his days as a warlock. (He still claims to be one.)


     Hubrid Nox’s Favourite Food: Army of Undead Cupcakes

     Of course, Hubrid Nox’s top pick is the Army of Undead Cupcakes, “They turn anything they touch into... More cupcakes!” He could be hoping to use them to fight his next war, or maybe to satiate his everlasting hunger since there would be an unlimited stash of undead cupcakes to savour. We wonder what flavour these are made of, could it be the souls they have devoured? We do not want to know.

          We ended our interviews around Haunted Woods and heaved a huge sigh of relief for surviving such a terrifying journey. If the Haunted House or the Theme Park is not giving you enough thrill, we would recommend visiting the terrorising characters of Haunted Woods for your next Halloween excursion! It is almost like trick-or-treating, if you think about it. We hope you enjoyed these findings as much as we did.

          Also written by myncithemonkey & lookidontcare3

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