Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,005,623 Issue: 887 | 10th day of Sleeping, Y22
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How to be a Princess
Violet slumped against the door to the library and sighed. She probably messed up her hair, something else for Rosaline to get on her case about. She would never live up to her sister’s expectations, never mind those of her people. If she could even call them that, she thought, she wasn’t really a princess after all was she?

by rkbear


Chaos Causers: Adventful Schemes
Adventful? Get it! Oh... you must not be a big fan of portmanteaus

by huntercn


Mishaps in the battledome - meuka

Idea by starscreamer54

by devotedly


The Case of the Vanishing Shopkeeper
The Crumpetmonger has vanished and it's up to a band of petpets to solve the case.

by _polonius_

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