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Neogoals 2020

by extreme_butterfly


     Did you make Neogoals for 2019 and didn't quite stick to them? No worries, we've all been there *cough fitness cough*

      This article is hopefully a helpful way to help and maybe give you some tips to help you keep your Neogoals for the upcoming New Year!

      Alot of Neogoals start with the wonderful Neocoin.

      Maybe your goal this year is to make enough Neocoins for that spiffy paint brush you've been wanting for years. If this is the case, the key here is to save. I know, that's obvious, but seriously you'd be surprised how quickly Neocoins can add up when you're not doing any unnecessary spending.

      A good place to start is to stop buying so much food and toys for your pets. We know they have to eat and we all want our pets happy, so make sure to gather those omelettes and other freebie foods. Best of all, it's free!

      Another way is letting them spend the night at the Neolodge! While this does cost some coins, it can save when you run out of omelettes. There, they will be fed and very happy, because let's face it, we all could use a get away!

      Games! Games! Games! This is a Neogoal goldmine! Maybe you're working on that game avatar, or that spiffy game trophy! Either way, gaming is a great way to gain those coins. They're free to play and you can submit scores multiple times daily. There's plenty to choose from, although some can be time consuming. The more you play, the better you will get and the more coins you will make and will get you closer to that avie or trophy.

      If you're saving coins, avoid unnecessary spending! This means no buying something because it is pretty or shiny! Every coin made put into the bank and don't withdraw no matter how much you want to!

      The stock market can be a way to make some coins as well. It will take time! This is by no means the quickest way to earning, but maybe your after the avie. I do not recommend doing this for coins unless you know what you're doing because you can also lose more than you can make. There are guides out there in which you can study. I still have no idea how to play and I've been on Neo for years!

      If your goal is adding more items to your gallery, you can save and then shop. If you're browsing a shop and see a deal you can't pass up, it is okay to buy it. You can just work and double the deposit. Make a list for when you don't buy so after you're finished saving, you can search and buy. This will allow you to save and fill your gallery fast. Remember, to keep up with your collection so you don't buy multiples. This can be harder once your gallery expands, but it helps save when you check.

      As silly as this sounds, in order to make money, you have to spend a little. Your shop is your best friend when it comes to making coins. Restocking if done right, can earn you a hefty profit. If you're unsure how to restock or need tips, there's a lot of guides available to get you up to date.

      Stamps are a few Neopians Neogoals. These can be expensive(some are 50,000,000), so saving is important! Stamp collecting can lead to a lot of avatars! Check trades to try to get a bargain or offer a fair trade for stamps. Remember, once a stamp is added it cannot be removed!

      If your goal is to make more Neofriends in the upcoming year, the Neoboards and Guilds are the way to go! There are different boards from avatar, art, to gallery boards. The guild board is a place to find a guild that you can join to make friends. Search for one who may have a lot of Neopians who share the same interests as you so it's easy to start conversation. Don't be shy, they don't bite(well some might!)

      If you're aiming for that first entry into The Neopian Times, you can write a short story about your pets or a story about anything Neo related. You can also write a article if you're good at guides or comics if you're good at those. Try to think of something helpful or thoughtful and carefully type it out. Always check your spelling and grammar before submitting and keep a copy of your piece. Remember, don't get discouraged if your entry isn't accepted. Fix your mistakes(this is where the extra copy comes in) and re-submit.

      Everyone wants their pets to look their best! Some may REALLY want theirs to look extraordinary! If this is your goal, you may want to check out the NC mall. This requires real money to buy, but if you do your chores and homework maybe your parents will reward you for it! Yes adults, this goes for you too! NC items cannot be sold.

      However, if you don't want to spend money(or do your chores), you can always keep an eye out in shops, auctions and trading posts. A lot of Neopians would rather have coins than to customize their pets or may have got multiples, so they sell their customs.

      Your pet is beautiful(all pets are) and you're thinking of going after that Beauty Contest trophy. I say go for it! Draw your pet(or Neo related) to the best of your ability. Neo has tutorials on how to draw some of Neopians.

      A good tip in the beauty contest is to make your drawing colorful. After all, everyone loves color!

      To sum it all up, the key to achieving those Neocoins and Neogoals is to just keep going and don't give up! It will all take time, just stay persistent and before you know it, you will get that sense of achievement when you've reached your goal. All goals takes time and patience! You got this!

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