Meow Circulation: 196,122,682 Issue: 895 | 20th day of Running, Y22
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It's Probably Just a Phase

by lucycat123

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The Flower Language of Neovia
Flower Language is not a means of communication widely seen outside of Neovia - sure, here and there you might find a land that attaches some meaning to a specific plant, but nothing to this extent.

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The Shadow
I’ve been here now for two days, quite alone. I feel that it is imperative I write down an accurate record of what I have witnessed should I meet any unfortunate circumstances.

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Old Friends
The figure did not linger in the streets of Neovia, as the thick night fog curled around her dark robe. She was bundled up tight against the night air, a hood hiding much of her face.

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All hat, no dragon
Night in Neovia did not fall so much as roll over and settle more deeply into the dense, foggy gloom that veiled the formerly cursed town even by daytime.

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