The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 196,172,330 Issue: 897 | 10th day of Eating, Y22
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by kadfisch

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The River that Flows Eternal
Whoa, what a creepy cave. Hey, mister, we’re sorry for bothering you. “I need to leave. Please, please, I need to leave.” Why was he thinking of this again? He didn’t want to. He had put it away, somewhere safe.

by movie138music


Arrival of Spring
Always look on the bright side Also by i_am_smelly_dung

by hite


Harker's Story
The potion that Harker had coerced out of the young apprentice magicians had worked perfectly.

After much umming and ahhing about it, the red Draik had eventually caved to his friend’s pleading, and had aided the shadow Lupe in brewing the potion

by tanikagillam


Spike and the world that totally doesn't exist
Jelly, the second most popular food in the world. Next to the omelette, everybody has eaten jelly once in their life. Even if the pet hasn’t eaten free jelly, the Chocolate Factory Kiko sells some jelly candy. But where does it come from?

by hannahcreep

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