Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 196,228,680 Issue: 900 | 1st day of Hunting, Y22
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What Does the Number 900 Remind you of?

by _annefrank_


Here we are, the moment many of us waited for, Neopian Times issue number 900!

     And in order to celebrate, a special article has been prepared for readers. We interviewed celebrated Neopians and asked: What does the number 900 mean to you?

     Wait, you think that is a crazily big and nonsensical number? Well, well… you will be surprised with the information our friends here have to share!

     Gif’n: Hey There! So, you want to know if we have memories regarding the number 900? The answer is: yes, we do! My friend Milo and I created a famous Neopian game, called Tyrannian Mini Golf. A feature of our game is that the maximum points it will show you is 900, even though you can score more points than that. Cool, huh?

     Aurrick: Back in the day, I was quite a reader, you know? After my father abandoned me in Qasala, I would always distract myself by reading Neopets Poems. Don’t tell anyone, but I will never forget the poem about Krawks that I read on page 900… that one really got me teared up...

     Library Faerie: Neopian year 19 was really difficult for all of us faeries, especially during the Wraith Resurgence. To get my mind away from all those terrible events, I set a very strict reading schedule for that year and managed to read a total of 900 books and scrolls! That accounts for over 27% of all Neopian books. It might not seem like much, but that means I read over two books per day!

     Turfy: Oh, funny you should ask, because I do have something interesting to tell. I once ate 900 Goreritos at an eating contest… My regular wage from working in Neovia’s sewers doesn’t usually allow me to try such a fancy delight, and it is not every day that you can get gourmet food for free! I am still not sure about what goes into that thing, though I got pretty sick afterwards, that much I can tell.

     Turmaculus: It is a known fact that I do love my napping time… however, what few Neopians know is that I am also very good at the Battledome! In fact, I have trained so hard on Turmac Roll during my youth years, that my challenge’s difficulty at the Battledome can be up to 900. HA! See? Who is the lazy one now? You better get back to training school!

     Sidney: Hmm… that is a quite strange question if you ask me. Though I do remember a funny Kacheek that came by once… said he worked with potatoes and was good at counting. Then he told me, proud and all, how he wanted to buy 100 scratchcards so he could scratch 900 times because that was the number of potatoes he had sold that day. Right there I realized he was no good at counting, or at least had never scratched a card before. Oh, you don’t get it, do you? You can only scratch six out of the nine squares off!

     Lucie: Everyone knows I love Usuki dolls, but I also collect many other toys! So far I have 899 items in my collection, which drives my parents crazy because there are toys all around the house. I want my toy number 900 to be a brand new Usuki Doll Set, and I have been waiting for that since Year 19, when the last one was released. My hopes are for something flowery!

     Finneus: What a fascinating question. As a matter of fact, the number 900 does bring up some interesting memories. Oh, but probably nothing that you may be thinking of. See, the archives can be extremely dusty at times and, therefore, I once tried to purchase a Vacumatic. I contacted multiple sellers, but they all told me there was no such product available. You see, it turns out I was requesting a Vacumatic 900, when in fact they are called Vacumatic 9000. I know! Why would someone release a version 9000 before the 900, right?

     Kauvara: I often ask my sister Allita to help me harvest Arbiter Berries at Roo Island, so I can produce my famous potion. There was one time that I let her help me prepare the potion, and she decided to add 900 berries to it, thinking it would increase the capacity of the brew. Of course that did not work at all. Instead, we spent a whole week cleaning up the mess! Oh, you wonder how many berries I normally use? haha, nice try!

     Mr. Chipper: this is actually a pretty funny story haha I mean, tragic, poor Neopian… some time ago a blue Quiggle came around, said he had spent quite some time doing favours to Taelia and had 900 Ice Cream Machine Coupons to spend. He was hoping that he could get an Ice Cream Sundae, as most Neopians who come around do. The first 748 coupons were disappointing to him, as he got a bunch of Double Chocolate Ice Cream. Then, on coupon 749, he got a Fish Flavour Ice Cream. Before I could say anything, he rushed to try it. Poor guy didn’t have a chance, had to run directly to the Neopian Hospital with Neezles. He left the remaining coupons with me, said he had given up at that point. Well, guess what was awarded to coupon number 900? Oh, you thought it was an Ice Cream Sundae? Well, it was indeed ice cream…. fish flavoured.

     Interestingly enough, all of our interviewees asked the same question back. And to all of them, the same answer was given: For a long time, the number 900 had no special meaning to me. However, since I started submitting entries to the Neopian Times, that has changed. Now, 900 represents the achievement of one of my oldest and greatest goals on Neopets, to be recognized as a Neopian Times Writer. Having this article published on the Neopian Times issue number 900 is a dream come true!


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