Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 196,187,703 Issue: 898 | 17th day of Eating, Y22
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Random Oddness

by mistyqee

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Great stories!


Harker's Story
The sight of Harker’s mansion looming in front of him was a distant comfort in the Krawk’s unruly mind...

by tanikagillam


The Thoughts of A Farnswap
What's really going on inside that head...

by catgrace01


Beauty Queen
The reality of the Beauty Contest

by keruza


Games to Challenge Neopia’s Wordsmiths
Do you fancy yourself a wordsmith? Do anagrams make you as jolly as a JubJub? Do you yearn to improve your vocabulary (or simply to show off your spelling skills)? If your answer to each of these was an enthusiastic “yes!” then I am happy to report that Neopets has a library of word games that can possibly match your library of books!

by privateuniverse

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