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Mystery Island Vacation Guide

by silver_mist_91


If you’re anything like most travellers, deciding where to begin when planning your next big trip is the hardest part! Now that you’ve decided on the sandy shores of Mystery Island we can start narrowing down how you’ll spend your time in the sun. Let's begin.

     Once you arrive at the harbour and step on to the island you will be overwhelmed with the sights to see. Let’s break it down into three categories: restaurants, activities, and shopping! First off is restaurants. This is my top pick for dining on the island but keep in mind the local food will be quite different from what you normally eat in Neopia! This is chance to try something fun and new.

     Restaurant - Tropical Foods

     Ingemar is a clever and friendly Techno who has all the freshest fruits the island can offer up for sale. He will always share a quick story with you while you shop and (usually) doesn’t undercut you in prices. You could, of course, comb the island for these delicious fruits yourself, but some come from dangerous areas that only Ingemar is brave enough to traverse. So, grab a basket and pick out some new treats to try, I assure you that you won’t be disappointed. My personal pick when I head down that way is always the juicy banango. Yum!

     Next up is of course activities! You came to the island to have fun, right? No question you’ll stop by the beautiful sand beaches and dip your toes in the water, but let’s see what other activities await you on land.

     Activity – Tombola

     There is no greater sound on the island than that of the Tiki Tack man’s hearty laugh when you enter his shop, located on the south beach. He runs the best market on the island selling locally made goods and souvenirs. But for the few who like to take a little risk, he also runs a tombola. The rules of the tombola are simple, once a day (don’t be greedy!) you play and see what number ticket you get. If it matches up correctly by ending in a 0, 2, or 5 you will be awarded a special prize. Sometimes he even offers a booby prize for those unlucky souls who didn’t win it big. As generous as his smile is wide, the Tiki Tack man is a local legend.

     Activity – Tiki Tours

     I also can not recommend enough taking one of the famous Tiki Tours. A delightful but soft-spoken Jubjub who has yet to share his name with me takes you around the island in style. He knows secrets most locals still don’t as he’s seen every inch of the island over his time giving tours. He can show you the best small beaches and recommend premium times to catch the sun setting over the water. A reasonably priced tour, it offers a wonderful overview of the island that your pet will surely be talking about for vacations to come!

     Last up is my favourite category, shopping. What is a vacation if you can’t spend more money than you should on some fun items to take back home. Gifts for your friends, and tokens to remember your trip by are some of the items you can purchase from the Island Market stalls. Some popular tourist items up for grabs are a fashionable variety of necklaces such as those made of lava stone (from the volcano itself!) or shells found along the sand. A fun gift for those back home would be a carved coconut or some cute tiki magnets. There is also an abundance of beautiful bottles filled with coloured sand and shaped like different things. This would look lovely on anyone’s shelves. Clothing wise you can grab a grass skirt to dance in or a visor to keep the sun out of your eyes. Truly you will be the definition of style in anything purchased here on the island. For those truly looking to spend frugally, I can also recommend a local spot called The Trading Post. With items coming all from all over Neopia there are opportunities to bid on many impressive items you can’t find in your stores back home. Be cautious though, as there can be many bidders on the same lot and if someone outbids you even by a few measly Neopoints they will take home the lot.

     Your time on the island will be short but packed to the brim if you follow my guide. Now I do have one final stop for those who are not afraid to take a little risk. If you simply want a quiet beach vacation then no need to read further but if you are truly the adventurous type, I have one last suggestion for you.

     At the north end of the island lies an area hidden in trees and blocked off from the typical island tourism. There is a long-lost city called Geraptiku tucked away from time itself. Bones litter the road or what little road is left as most of the foliage has grown over and distorted the path. But if you can make it through the difficult terrain you will reach the entrance to the great abandoned city. A thing of legends and fables, most believed that Geraptiku wasn’t even real, but those of us who really know the island always believed it was still hidden out there somewhere. Recently a Neopian based archaeologist discovered it, but the locals always suspected it was there. At the north end of the city which is merely ramshackle huts and broken stone buildings stands an imposing sight. We have taken to calling it The Deserted Tomb. Tall, dark and with a great aura of power around it, the tomb has tempted many an adventurer to make their way up the massive steps to the entrance. However, few ever return to tell about their experience. One friend of mine did make it out, though he won’t speak of the things he saw. I suspect he found great treasure as he moved to a nicer hut only a few days later. Suspicious, don’t you think?

     I can’t say whether you will have any luck in the tomb, but since you’re already on the island why not try your luck and see if you could find one of the treasures that surely lies inside? That is, if you aren’t scared of the dark. I would only ask a nominal percentage of your findings since after all my guide did point you in the right direction….


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