For an easier life Circulation: 196,314,459 Issue: 905 | 26th day of Relaxing, Y22
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The Tombola is Out of Cash!

by neogal_anu


It was a beautiful summer morning that Asnni woke up to. She stretched her legs and peered out of the windows of her room. The sun shone brightly in the azure sky and there was a hint of a breeze wafting amongst the trees outside her Neohome. It was the perfect day for fun and games! Being a Baby Gelert, Asnni didn't have to go to school yet, and she loved to spend her day playing with her siblings.

     From her window, Asnni spotted Zal, her brother, down in the garden. "Zal! Zal!" she called out.

     The Usul looked around for the source of the voice. "Up here!" Asnni called out.

     "Morning, sis. I see you've woken up," smiled Zal.

     "Are you going somewhere Zal? Take me with you pleeeaaase!" squeaked Asnni, her voice pleading with Zal.

     Zal chuckled. "Okay, okay. I'm off to Mystery Island today. Get ready and you can come along if you want."

     Asnni was delighted. She loved Mystery Island, with its sandy beaches and its blue sea. She especially enjoyed munching on the tropical fruits that were aplenty there! She bounded down at top speed and joined Zal.

     The journey to Mystery Island was slightly long, but as soon as they got off the boat, Asnni ran off into the woods.

     "Wait! Don't you go anywhere alone!" Zal called out. "Don't you remember how you got lost last time and we had to ask the faeries to find you?"

     Asnni came back, grinning sheepishly. "I won't go anywhere alone this time, Zal, I promise."

     The two Neopets made their way to one of their favourite spots- the Tombola. But to their surprise, there was a huge crowd gathered around it.

     "What's wrong, Zal? Why are they all gathered here?" inquired Asnni, gesturing at the crowd of Neopets.

     "I don't know. We'd better go and find out," said Zal.

     The two Neopets slowly made their way to the front of the crowd, and let out an audible gasp.

     The door to the Tombola was shut, and a sign had been affixed to it, on which in angry red letters was painted - CLOSED. OUT OF CASH.

     "I've been around for years and I've never seen this!" exclaimed Zal.

     Asnni looked like she was about to burst into tears. Nearby, several Baby Neopets were already wailing away.

     The Neopets in the crowd were whispering loudly, looks of fear and worry on their faces.

     Zal motioned to Asnni to follow him. He ducked around the crowd of Neopets and found a backwards path, that led to the rear entrance of the Tombola.

     A strange sight greeted them. Seated on a bamboo chair was the usually friendly Tiki Tack Man. However, he had his head in his hands and clearly looked dejected.

     "Erm...hi...Mr. Tiki Tack…" said Zal, quietly.

     The Tiki Tack Man looked up. His sad expression changed to one of surprise, and then to one of anger. "Read the sign. There is no Tombola today!" he roared.

     The two Neopets shrank back, thinking fast of a way to make their escape. But the face of the Tiki Tack Man changed. "Never mind, I'm sorry about that. Please, have a seat," he motioned to some similar-looking chairs around.

     The two Neopets took their seats, eyeing him wearily.

     "I'm sorry I scared you. I thought you were going to pester me about why the Tombola is closed," he said, softly.

     Zal decided that the Tiki Tack Man meant no harm. He was probably just sad that his Tombola had to be closed for the day. "Mr Tiki Tack, we do want to know what happened. But...erm...we also want to help."

     The Tiki Tack Man looked as though he had never heard the word before. "Help? HELP, you say?"

     "Erm...yes...if you will allow us…"

     "No one has ever helped me before!" The Tiki Tack Man cried out. Asnni could see a large tear forming at the corner of his strange mask, and soon enough, he was sobbing on Zal's shoulder.

     Zal decided that first, they needed to calm him down. After a couple of Jumbleberry Slushies and a great big helping of various tropical fruit, the Tiki Tack Man seemed to have calmed down.

     "Mr Tiki Tack, please, tell us what happened, and how we can help," said Zal, gently.

     "My Tombola is out of cash, little ones. I have nothing to give you or all the others who have gathered outside," sighed the Tiki Tack Man, gesturing sadly to the empty shelves in his Tombola counter.

     "But….this has never happened before. Why and how did it happen?" asked Zal.

     "I wish I knew. There were too many visitors and I just ran out of prizes…" The Tiki Tack Man seemed dangerously close to tears again.

     "Don't worry, Mr Tiki Tack!" exclaimed Asnni, with the confidence of a Grarrl about to enter the Battledome.

     Zal and the Tiki Tack Man both looked at her, astonished.

     "We will help you get some cash and prizes!" Asnni had no idea how they were going to do it but her confidence and smiling demeanour were infectious. Zal and the Tiki Tack Man both found themselves in cheerful spirits soon.

     The three of them sat down in the Tombola booth, armed with fresh Slushies and a heap of books. They thought hard and fast, but no ideas came to them. Asnni herself began to feel dejected.

     "Is anyone here?"

     The sound brought them out of their reverie. They looked at the doorway. Framed in the entrance was Baelia, the Grey Faerie.

     Great, thought Zal to himself. We already feel so low, she would just make us feel worse…

     "I would like a refreshing drink, if you have any around," she wailed.

     The Tiki Tack Man handed her a Jug of Fresh Phearade and asked, "What brings you here, Baelia?"

     "Oh, I was on my way to the Money Tree to see if I could get some new items for my home…."

     Zal stood up suddenly. "OF COURSE!"

     Asnni, the Tiki Tack Man and Baelia all looked at him warily.

     "The Money Tree! Why didn't I think of it before? We can try to pick up some cash and items there! Thank you Baelia!"

     "You're thanking me? I suppose I am a good Faerie after all…." Baelia's musings were cut short by the three of them dashing out of the booth at top speed.

     These Neopets, Baelia mused. No patience, unless I give them a quest. Hmm, I better be on my way or all the good stuff will be gone.

     Sure enough, a few hours later, the forbidding sign on the Tombola had vanished and the Tiki Tack Man was beaming, giving out tickets and prizes. Never again was the Tombola ever out of cash, because he now knew what to do. All thanks to two young Neopets called Zal and Asnni. They still visit him from time to time to enjoy fresh tropical fruit and relax on the nearby beaches. Zal had also developed a newfound respect for Baelia, although his siblings were always mystified on seeing this.

     Fancy a game of Tombola? Well, head over to Mystery Island because the Tombola is NEVER out of cash now!

     The End.

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