The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 915 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y22
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The Purpose of Stars

by nick_and_nickette

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Let's move to Kreludor!
Things aren't as they used to be... Collaboration with Chantluigi

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Stargazing? Nope. Wargazing.
Just a normal night sky over Neopia... Collab with acara_575 and fishmas

by sunbathr


Passable Gross Foods of Brightvale University
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by parody_ham


Maeryc and the Wish-Granter's Code
To ask if he could keep her never even crossed his mind. “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet my new Petpet. This is Ceila!”

by dewdropzz

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