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How to Not Celebrate Jhudora Day

by amplificationsseasy


Jhudora's day is here. And as we all know there are many Neopians who are excited about this event. You can celebrate her day by doing her quests, buying defaced Illusen's portraits (that made me giggle, good one TNT!) dress up like her and many more. You can follow many helpful tips by reading the articles of many talented Neopian writers too. Those tips are excellent if you want to celebrate Jhudora's day in grand pomp and splendour.

     But what if you don't want to celebrate Jhudora's day. Maybe you are a supporter of Illusen or you don't want to have anything to do with Jhoudra at all. Maybe you just want to make Illusen feel special on a day where everyone seems to dress up as her enemy and everyone seems to fails her quest. Here are some tips on how to NOT celebrate Jhudora's day:-


     1. Dress your pets as Illusen:-


What better way to contradict this day than dress up your pets as Illusen? It is a well-known fact that Illusen is Jhudora's arch-enemy, thus the costumes. You can put an Illusen wig, an Illusen dress, maybe some Illusen gloves as well. Wear an Illusen's lucky charm to seal the deal. And as an added bonus why not paint your petpets spring? Ooh and don't forget the backgrounds! Get a Meridellian Spring Background or any spring background for that matter. That can help add that Earthly touch, something which Jhudora maaaay not like.

     2. Do not do her quests:-

     Surprise Surprise, you should have seen this one coming! Not doing her quests on her day is probably the most anti-Jhudora thing you can do. Do Illusen's quest instead, TWICE, that would be the real thing. Sure you can get an avie, but why do you need a Jhudora avie when you can get an Illusen one, pfft (By completing quest 20 for her on that day, of course) You are sacrificing one avie, but if you are NOT celebrating then it is worth doing this. Who knows, maybe she can make quest 50 easier and you can get an all-powerful, highly coveted Illusen's staff! After all, someone is being respectful to her on a Jhudora day.

     3. Change your siggy and avie:-

     Neoboard users, this one is for you! Change your avie to an Illusen one and change your siggy to one of her quotes. Guess who would not like it and be a teensy bit jealous? Rambling about her on the neoboards by making an "Illusen's appreciation board" would be great as well. Create an Illusen appreciation board. Talk about her virtue and good deeds she has done? Hasn't she given you a fair number of Neopoints when she had found them lying about and it belonged to nobody? Hasn't she been a bit kinder when you have lost one of her quests?

     4. Create an Illusen guild

     This is a great way to unite many neopians who love Illusen (who doesn't?) Creating a guild is like chatting on the neoborads, but you can do it much more. Conduct many Illusen themed activities. Have Illusen 1np auctions. Have a fun debate on Illusen vs Jhudora and with experience, please do not let the debate escalate, it ruins the entire mood. Make some fun rules like

     1. Everybody has to have Illusen-dressed pets.

     2. No Jhudora avies.

     3. Chant 'Illusen, Illusen' all day long

     5. Take a trip to Meridell:-

     Take a trip to Meridell! Once you reach there, you can have a picnic! Have an Illusen acorn you find around or have one of her scrumptious leaf burritos or an Illusen's pizza. Have an Illusen ice cream for dessert (My pets loved those). And after that, you can take a trip to see Illusen herself! If you were lucky enough to see her and she agrees, go for a Meridell tour (I would be so Jealous if she agrees!) Try a round of shapeshifter, buy a couple of petpets. Maybe you can go turdle racing and try to make king Skarl laugh with one of your funny jokes. Most of all have fun! There is a reason Illusen loves Meridell.

     6. Make an Illusen gallery:-

     Have a Jhudora ice cream? Out that goes! Get an Illusen one instead! Did you find an Illusens Forest Essence? In that goes! Fill up your gallery with anything Illusen (and ONLY Illusen, not one of those Illusen vs Jhudora items) and as an added touch why not change the gallery's theme to Illusen or even a happy spring one would do. Splurge a bit on Illusen neggs or get multiple of Illusens Potions. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on some Illusen usuki dolls then toss em in your gallery too. Remember she will appreciate anything whether big or small. She is a kind-hearted faerie, remember?

     7. Take the literal meaning of NOT celebrating:-

     If you want to be boring (or you don't want to disappear but you don't want to celebrate) then do NOTHING on an annual event. Take the literal meaning of not celebrating and don't celebrate. Don't do any of her quests, don't dress up and NO Jhudora pops. Take the literal meaning and do nothing. Or if you are feeling bored, go to Krawk island for some dubloons, no Jhudora or Illusen over there. Don't worry, we don't and won't judge ;)

     Now I have nothing against Jhudora's day. If there is anything I love, it is seeing many Neopians celebrate an annual festival in great harmony. It is a day which unites many Neopians of the same interest and there are many ways to celebrate this day without the maniacal laughter and the evil spells. This is an article for those who maaay not like Jhudora or for those who want to do things 'differently'. Either way, just follow these tips and you will NOT celebrate Jhudora's day. Also remember that Jhudora is 'nice' compared to other dark faeries, so if you are feeling guilty for celebrating (for whatever reason) remember this fact.

     Disclaimer:- This article is not responsible for the sudden disappearances of Neopians and appearances of random Blechys' in Neopia

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