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Top 5 Dailies to Do

by dragnipur


Dailies: everyone has their own list, and their own procedure to go through them. Like many, I have my own mini-list which I rattle off daily (obviously :D). This list is my top five that I always try and find those five minutes to perform, as I feel they give you the most return for the least amount of effort. So, without further ado, here’s the list!

     1) Trudy’s Surprise

     This might be an obvious one to start off, but is probably the most profitable daily there is, at least on a consistent basis. Trudy’ Surprise is free to play and gives you a neopoint bonus every day you spin the wheel. However, the caveat here is that to get the maximum bonus, you have to play the game daily for 25 days consecutively. If you miss one day, your bonus is reset back to the first neopoint reward. On the 25th day, you’ll get the maximum reward of 100,000 neopoints. However, if you add up the maximum you can win during the 25 days, you’ll get around 500,000-520,000 neopoints. Apart from the neopoint reward, every 7 days, you’ll also be eligible for an item reward. Granted, they might not be worth much, but it’s better than not receiving anything 😊

     2) Grave Danger

     This might not be a popular choice, but I’ll explain why it’s recently become one of my favourite dailies soon. First and foremost, I call this a daily, however, in theory, you can play this more frequently. This is because the time for this game can range between 3 to 10 hours. For this game, you’ll need a petpet equipped to your neopet. It could be any petpet, as they’ll all perform equally the same. Once you have a petpet equipped, you can send them down to the catacombs (don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to them!). Once they come back, they’ll bring you a treasure from the depths. And this is where things get interesting. I was recently having a look at the list of prizes, and I was pleasantly surprised by some items on the list. Some of the more expensive items on the list include Mootix (3+mil), Zombie Paint Brush (1mil), Maraquan Paint Brush (4.5+mil), Maraquan Petpet Paint Brush (800k), Unindentified PetPet (9mil), and the holy grail from: Grave Danger Stamp, which sells for upwards of 50 million. You also have the option to equip your petpet with an NC item (Ghostly Wand of Spades). If you do this, your petpet will also return an NC item reward along with the normal reward.

     3) Faerie Caverns

     Faerie Caverns is a place to try your luck in a quick adventure. The cost to enter the caverns is 400 neopoints. One inside, you’ll need to navigate through three different caverns, by choosing either left or right for each cavern. If you manage to navigate to the end of the caverns, you can win either some neopoints (ranging from 400 to 25,000 neopoints) or, more desirably, an item. The items you can win range from 1.5mil to 50+ million for the Faerie Caverns Stamp. If you want to make your life easier, and ensure that you have a 100% success rate, you can participate in the bi-weekly Battle of the Obelisk event. One of the potential boons you can gain is the Cartogriphication Boon. If you have this boon active, your pet will be able to guide you through the caverns successfully, meaning that, for a whole 7 days, you’re guaranteed a prize.

     4) Stock Market

     I had started buying stocks simply to get the avatar. Once I had achieved this, I quickly sold everything I had in my portfolio, and just forgot about the neopian stock market. It was only after I had come back to playing neopets after some years away when I realized the potential which the stock market offers to players. The concept is quite simply, buy low, sell high, which will always guarantee that you’ll earn money. Every day, you can buy up to 1000 stocks. You can split this up into different companies, or you can buy 1000 of the same stock. The strategy I follow is quite simple. I only buy stocks which are worth 15 neopoints (or 10 neopoints if I have the Cheaper by the Dozen boon from the Battle of the Obelisk Event). If I do not find any for that price, I check back later, as stock prices update roughly every 30 minutes. On the other hand, I only sell stocks when they hit 60 neopoints. This guarantees that I always make a profit of 45 neopoints per stock. You could set your own target selling price that you’re comfortable with.

     5) Battledome

     When completing battles in the battledome, you’re given a reward, which could be some neopoints (up to 1,500 a day), an item, or both. In my case, I’d be on the lookup for codestones, specifically the red ones, which could sell upwards of 40,000 neopoints for the expensive ones. You could also use them to train your pets if you so choose. Also, if you have premium, you could win nerkmids, which can sell for around 75,000 neopoints each (or gamble them away at the vending machine for a chance to win a paint brush). The best part of this is that you don’t a really strong pet to get started. I personally battle S750 Kreludan Defender Robot on easy mode. Reason being is that the mode does not have any effect on the prizes you can win (as far as I have seen so far), as well as the fact that he only has a couple of hit points, which means his a one-hit win for me.

     So that’s it from my end. This list ensures that I get the most out of my (sometimes limited) time on neopets. It’s also an easy list to do, with a mixture of dailies that give you a guaranteed win (Trudy’s and Stock Market), ones that give you a medium return (the Battledome), as well as the ones that will reward you way less than the others, but with millions to potentially gain (Faerie Caverns and Grave Danger). So, make sure you bookmark these five dailies, and I hope you get the best rewards!

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