Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 196,662,418 Issue: 932 | 2nd day of Eating, Y23
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A Foolproof Comedy

by sunbathr

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Character Re-Introduction(?): Chet Flash
Today’s character of interest is the ever enigmatic and elusive Chet Flash!

by pikachu315111


Chet Fae Wuz Here
If one picks up a copy of the Neopian Times or the Faerieland Gazette, one might notice that periodically, the paper prints a cryptic message that simply says “Chet Flash wuz here.”

by black_skull725


The One With The Loyal Customer
The mysterious labber... Collab with friends_rock2135

by roxanna203


Cali & the Faulty Fairground
On her way to work at the Coconut Shy, Cali the Cybunny realizes there is something amiss at the Deserted Fairground.

by cookiez101

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