Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,694,052 Issue: 936 | 21st day of Hunting, Y23
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Suspected Omelette Poaching Leaves Sabre-X Scrambled

by superkathiee

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Dreaming of Riches
The Super Attack Pea is too powerful for mere dreams to contain. Collab with rikuji_kioku

by parody_ham


Spot the Differences: Happy Tyrannian Victory Day!
Can you find the 8 differences between the two pictures?

by isabelleke49


Tyrannia Crossword Puzzle
Happy Tyrannian Victory Day!

by varshajoseph


Snowy's (Smelly?) Prize
Thankfully Snowy doesn't award scratch and sniff plushies...

by baiuki

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