Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,790,935 Issue: 941 | 30th day of Swimming, Y23
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Rich Man's World

by timothy1692

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Kaia's Secret
Kaia stood at the foot of Shenkuu’s largest cave, young and determined. Whispers of the cave’s magical powers had tickled Kaia’s ears throughout her childhood, captivating her with stories of the mystical beings that supposedly lived at the cave’s heart...

by essees


PrePAWSterous: Nerkmid
Why am I bad at saving NPs?

by pau_meow


Inappropriate Gifts Pt 2
Comments: Hair for an... already hairy friend. collab with theofloppy4135

by baiuki


Meridell Crossword
Test your knowledge of this beautiful kingdom!

by kimscott11

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