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Delicious Desserts to Treat your Pet To

by sweetflora123


Whether our pets are busy with dubloon and codestone training, fighting challengers in the Battledome or even just helping around with chores, there is no doubt that they get tired and super hungry after all that work. I realised the grave mistake I made when my Lunica said, "I need something else to eat! I'm tired of munching on nothing but jellies and omelettes." A trip to the Giant Omelette seem like a tempting alternative to spending extra neopoints just to keep them full, but these darlings need a tad bit of variety! From time to time, they always crave something sweet. Remember that we are definitely not throwing away healthy eating habits; give them their nutritious servings of fruits and vegetables. But let them indulge in a slice of pie or some ice cream every once in awhile. Balance and control is the key. My pets and I had a nice evening out reviewing desserts in Neopia. We talked about which of these are Neopian Times worthy and compiled a full list! All my pets are especially fond of chocolate, so you will be seeing a lot of that here! Warning: it might make you hungry.

1. Chocolate Carrot Sundae

A thick, juicy carrot inside an eclair, smothered with carrot flavoured cream.

What makes this one stand out is how well balanced it is. So many of the desserts we sampled were so sweet to the point that it was sickening. But the carrot sundae exceeded our expectations. When you take one look at it, it seems absurd. Chocolate ice cream and carrots seem like they would never mix together, doesn't it? That is what happens most of the time with vegetables in dessert. Now, the light and airy carrot flavoured cream has a pleasant taste which is not too strong. One bite into the carrot and I can say it was definitely grown in one of the best farms in Neopia. It was full of flavour. The soft eclair pastry had a fluffy consistency, nicely baked. The chocolate ice cream had a subtle sweetness that didn't overwhelm, but it left us wanting more. 10/10! This one makes for a good evening snack as well since it doesn't make you bloated.

2. Aisha Chocolate Cheesecake

A creamy chocolate cheesecake that will just melt in your Aisha's mouth.

Now, I am no Aisha. The same goes for my pets. But this lovely cheesecake was a favourite for us. The flavour of cocoa in the chocolate cake layers blended perfectly with the soft, buttery cream cheese with just the right amount of sugar. The thin layer of milk chocolate icing was the cherry on top to this impeccable dessert! The portion size seems ridiculously small when you pay thousands of neopoints just for a single slice, but the quality does make up for the quantity.

3. Cake Coffee

Have a drink and a snack all in one with Cake Coffee.

I know some of you are probably surprised to see this among the fancier and more exquisite desserts on this list. Sometimes, the most simple things bring the most joy in life. That's what happened when we tried this cake coffee! A thick slice of cake topped with whipped lemon frosting and a cherry served with iced coffee. Whenever one of your pets is hungry and running low on energy from now on, take them out for some Cake Coffee. You won't regret it!

4. Strawberry Cream Pizza

This pizza is ideal for dessert, especially with a generous portion of cream poured on top!

This one was dear Ainsleich's favourite. What you need to know is that this treat is more than just strawberries and cream laid out on pizza. The crust was made of a more delicate pastry sheet, not the usual ones they use at Pizzaroo. The strawberry cream mixture is phenomenal. You get the immaculate flavour of freshly picked, ripe, juicy strawberries and the delicate taste of milky cream. When you glance once at the picture of this concoction printed on the store menu, it looks bland. But the taste is out of the world. The only way that this could be too sweet is if you eat too much in one sitting. This is supposed to be shared among a group!

5. Almond Dipped Chocolate Biscotti

Crunchy chocolate with almond-sprinkled chocolate frosting - perfect for dunking!

These were so good that we had to take away some for home! The chocolate has a very strong, rich taste. There is a hint of coffee as well, making for a very unique flavour overall. This crunchy biscotti is a dream to have with your favourite cup of tea, coffee, or even just plain milk! While you may never see this being served in fancy restaurants, it is still versatile and can be served as both a snack or dessert . All you need to do is make it look good on the plate.

6. Chocopie Slice

This pie will give you a sweet tooth like no other.

I did mention pie in the beginning. Here it is! This classic old-school dessert is approved by even the pickiest chocolate lovers. Two layers of premium chocolate cake, a rich cocoa icing, and a whipped vanilla creme topping. Oh, don't forget the semisweet chocolate chips and the one cherry on top of each slice. Yum! What could possibly go wrong with those ingredients in the recipe? The answer is-nothing. Everyone loves a slice of pie.

See? I told you reading the list would make you and your pets hungry. Perhaps you should take them out for some good ol' Chocolate Carrot Sundae, especially if they're feeling moody right now and refuse to talk to you. Most of the time when these pets are grumpy, they're just hungry and tired of you trying to feed them dung-flavoured jellies sold in stores for five neopoints each. Watch the sullen frowns on their face turn into bright, beaming and happy smiles. Don't give them too much though, you don't want them addicted to sugar!

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