Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 196,905,205 Issue: 951 | 24th day of Celebrating, Y23
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The Apple Of My Eye

by emmakrakoka

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A Shopping Spree Gone Awry
Best typed plans don't always work out... Collabo with koolkat_963_

by anz95


Top 10 Borovan Drinks for Borovan Day!
To properly honour this holiday, here is a humble attempt at listing the top 10 best flavours of borovan in celebration of its' 20th anniversary.

by mellody_sou_10


Special Delivery
Simon is guided by a mysterious Christmas Vandagyre during his trip to Terror Mountain...

by 77thbigby


Secrets of Professional Battledomers
Step 1: Building a Reliable Weapon Set Collab with 108050

by np_faeries

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