The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 196,994,887 Issue: 955 | 4th day of Running, Y24
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Inside the Mind of a Lupe...

by mobo

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Another Hero's Krawk Island
"When Reuben woke up, the first thing he noticed was that the ship was swaying gently instead of gliding forward."

by precious_katuch14


Fruit Feasts for your Island Kougra on Gadgadsbogen
"Since we cannot guess what new magical fruit the Island will provide, we can still enjoy the fruits of the past that have grown on the island every year on Gadgadsbogen."

by _ahre_


It's Not As It Seems
The tale of how Envhy went from dreaming of being a Korbat to being a hybrid.

by paranoidnarcissist


Puffo's Predicament - Part 2
Can Puffo escape a crash landing?

by christie500018

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