Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 196,981,343 Issue: 953 | 4th day of Awakening, Y24
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Valentine's Day Customizations

by aleu1986


Valentine's Day is a big occasion in Neopia, and you most certainly want to dress up your Neopets so that they look their best and might catch the eye of that special someone. However, not all Neopets feel the love on this day, and some simply despise all the hearts and pink colours that are everywhere... In this article, I have put together customizations that showcase both the happy and sad sides of Valentine's Day, so whether you fall on the pro or anti side of this occasion, you can hopefully find some inspiration to give your Neopets a new look. Although several of these customizations show female Neopets, I have for most of them added suggestions to how you can adapt it to suit male Neopets.

     Pink Valentine


     Rose Garden Background

     Cascading Roses

     Side Swept Blond Wig

     Abundant Heart Dress

     Light Faerie Eye Shadow

     Valentines Day Gift Basket

     Also try: Golden Altador Cup Goal Stockings and Shoes, Gold New Years Shoes.

     Celebrating Valentine`s Day by giving out red roses to someone special is a common practice across Neopia, and what better way to mark the occasion than to have a full rose garden? This Neopet even has a gift basket all to themselves. A blonde wig works well here as it breaks up the red and pink all around the pet, and picks up the golden tone from the yellow roses in the background.

     Valentine Tree of Lights or Flower Heart Vine Tree also work very well with this background.

     Walking In The Rain


     Dyeworks Grey: Valentine Window Foreground

     Manor Room Crime Scene Background

     Dyeworks Grey: MME2-S1: Mystical Rain Shower

     White Winter Sweater

     Curled Updo Wig

     Knitted Grey Caplet

     Basic Grey Pants

     Male version:

     Remove the Caplet, add Brown Wig of Curly Locks.

     Alternative backgrounds:

     Neovian Sitting Room Background

     Luxe Bedroom

     Also try:

     Ombre Storm Clouds with Rain, Rain Shower, Soaked by Gormball, Streaming Raindrops Filter.

     This is also a great look for UC Greys, obviously minus the clothes.

      I like the warm, cosy look of the Knitted Grey Caplet, it looks like a warm and comforting garment. In this customization, your Neopet is gazing unhappily out the window, watching the rain drip down the glass as the world – filled with happy, smiling couples – passes them by.



     Abandoned Romantic Setting Background

     Nabiles Collectors Veil

     Soft Lilac Dress

     Chic Wig with Diamonds

     Sparkling Silver Bouquet

     Grey Clouds Foreground

     Male version:

     Lush Lavender Suit

     Suave Wavy Brown Wig

     Grey Bouquet

     Also try: Dusty Grey Bouquet Box, Fallen Lilacs and Hearts Foreground, Lovely Layered Lilac Dress, Grey Tulle Dress, Lavender Petal Dress, Forgotten Lilac Bouquet, Spyder Web Hat and Wig.

     Sometimes in life and love things don`t work out, and in this case it looks like someone has gotten cold feet and left your poor Neopet alone..

     At Your Door


     Heart and Chain

     Broken Heart Tombstone

     Winter Cemetery Ruins Background

     Dark Romantic Rose Shirt

     Vivacious Black Trousers

     Secret Admirer Shoes

     Grey Stone Wig

     Dyeworks Grey: MME2-S1: Mystical Rain Shower

     Dyeworks White: Dark Rolling Clouds

     Grey Clouds Foreground

     I`ll let this customization speak for itself.

     Lovestruck Cupid


     Dyeworks Black: Pink Mountain and Cloud Background

     Dyeworks Grey: Ombre Cloud Garland

     Wings of Darkness

     Yooyuball Blindfold

     Night Warrior Bow and Arrow

     Anti-Cupid Arrow Shower

     Missed Cupid Arrows

     They say love is blind, perhaps that is why cupids arrows keep missing? I wanted to create a grey, sad version of cupid and I`m quite pleased with how this one turned out. It`s a counterweight to the happy, bright and pink version but without being dark or evil.

     Also try: Frozen Bow and Arrows, Dyeworks Grey: Amongst the Clouds Background.

     I suggest these alternatives for wings for your grey cupid: Stone Faerie Wings, Swooping Cape Wings, Weathered Wings, Dyeworks Silver: Resplendent Wings, Broken Heart Wings.

     I hope you have enjoyed looking through my Valentine`s Day customizations and that it has given you some inspiration to dress up your own Neopets for this occasion. Feel free to check out my other articles, and please Neomail me if you have any comments or suggestions.

     Happy Valentine`s Day!

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