Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 196,983,625 Issue: 954 | 18th day of Awakening, Y24
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Neoquest II Crossword

by dollsuki

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The Paintbrush Society - A Spooky Introduction
"Slowly, its yellow coloration changed to a fiendish red, as a crimson suit erupted seemingly from hammerspace..."

by ocxinthebreather


The Swashbuckling Ballad of a Vandagyre
"'Where are we headed?' 'Farther north, to Faerieland, just past the bluff.'"

by flufflepuff


Another Hero's Journey...to Krawk Island
“Keep your cards close to your chest. Scoundrels there will take advantage of anything you show ‘em, and you want to give ‘em as little as possible.”

by precious_katuch14


Adventures in Meridell
"Because, really, I don't see the point of exploring if you just fly!"

by dunefurandlilypelt

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