A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,022,178 Issue: 957 | 1st day of Eating, Y24
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Lost Origins

by fuzzballjesse


I used to live on a small island with my grandmother, today you would know it as Krawk Island, but this was before the Krawks got there.

     We lived peacefully with a colony of Uni's in a modest town surrounded by an expanse of beaches. The houses were simple but sturdy and gathered in clumps around a cobbled wharf. My grandmother had the most beautiful cottage on the edge of town, not because it was particularly large or grand, but because my grandmother was a talented gardener; she adorned our cottage with creeping vines and vibrant flowers. I miss that cottage every time I see a patch of wildflowers or catch the scent of lilac on a summer breeze. I spent my days helping my grandmother in the garden, enjoying the wide sandy beaches with my herd-mates and sketching the various natural landscapes that graced our island in those days.

     The colony lived peacefully for many generations, until one muggy summer evening when strange ships appeared at our wharf. Nobody had seen the ominous dark sails approaching until it was too late.


     The town was in pandemonium. Rough scaly creatures with sharp teeth and even sharper blades chased us from our homes and drove us out. The monsters fanned out and blocked us from our ships. With so few of us armed, most of the herd turned and fled for the far shores. Several of us scrambled onto the red-stained beaches where we were made to swim for our lives. Many didn't make it that far.

     My grandmother spoke a word of encouragement and together we leapt into the choppy waves after our friends and neighbours. The colony began pushing through the rough seas to put as much distance between us and our attackers as possible. Those who hesitated were cut down without mercy; it was clear then that the island no longer belonged to us.

     Those of my herd-mates who had survived the attack swam East together towards the distant shores of Mystery Island, but after a while, it became clear that our troubles were far from over. A storm was developing, and the water's mood was taking a turn for the worst. The choppy waves began to roil, tossing us violently together and apart. My grandmother and I clung together to avoid being separated, but a mountainous wave rose between us, ripping us from each others grasp and forcing me under.

     When I resurfaced moments later, searching frantically for my herd, the only family I had ever known, they were already bobbing far along the horizon. I called frantically to them and heard my grandmother's voice faintly in the distance - I paddled towards her voice with all of my strength. Though I am a magnificently strong swimmer - growing up on a small island and all - I was unable to tread against the powerful currents of the storm. As the waves continued to batter me from all sides, pushing me farther and farther from my grandmother, the water began to pull out from under me. Immense hills of water started to rise all around me as I began to sink into the trough between waves; I only had a moment to glance behind me before a massive crest broke and everything went dark.


     The next thing I remember I was laying on a cold sand beach. before I even opened my eyes, I noticed the complete absence sound. I listened for one moment, then another. The only noise reaching my ears was the tentative advance and retreat of the water from the shore; as if not even the ocean wished to disturb this place. Lifting my heavy lids, I peered around, my head feeling groggy.

     I appeared to be on a deserted island, one completely devoid of colour and life. Not even a breeze dared to encroach the island's unnatural stillness, giving me that feeling that you get when you walk into a room of your sworn enemies, ones that give you dirty looks because you are imposing on their little get-together.

     I shouldn't be here.

     Before I could get up and plunge, half-drowned, back into the ocean that just spat me out onto this unnerving island, I caught a glimpse of something moving out of the corner of my eye. A sign of life! Too quick to identify, but it seemed to be almost...glowing.

     Curious at the prospect of another living creature in an otherwise barren landscape, I got shakily to my hooves and half trotted, half stumbled towards the spot where I had seen the glowing creature disappear. Peering through the barren vegetation I saw the faint green glow bobbing along through the distant fog. Glancing back and forth between the ocean and the tattered bushes, I knew that I had to make a decision and fast - before the creature got too far away.

     Curiosity is one of my greatest weaknesses, and it won again that day; I took one last look towards the ocean, to where my herd was probably waiting somewhere on a distant shore, and pursued.


     We went along like this for a while, the green light skirting behind rocks and bushes and me scrambling to catch up. No matter how much I tried to force my bruised and exhausted body to hurry, the green glow was always faster, only allowing me to catch glimpses of it before disappearing again. As I rounded a clump of shrivelled trees, a looming outline materialized from the fog, a large rock formation perhaps? Just then, the green glow leapt toward the centre and disappeared. I took a step closer, allowing my eyes a minute to focus.

     A cabin!

     Before I could think better about what kind of creature lived on a foreboding island such as this, I had scrambled up the stairs and was knocking on the door.

     Rap, rap, rap.

     I didn't think it possible but for a moment my surroundings became even quieter, like being sucked into a vacuum. Then it happened.

     Dark shadows exploded around me, slithering from the rocks and trees and surrounding me with wicked howls. I had never seen beings like this, intangible and yet alive. The creatures bared their pointed teeth and reached to grab at me with their razed claws. Surely these creatures couldn't hurt me, they weren't even solid beings, I thought to myself as I backed away a step, and then another. One creature that vaguely resembled the shadow of a Hissi latched a dark tendril around my leg, slicing a ring into my flesh. I struggled to break free, rearing and kicking with all of my might, but I couldn't make contact; how do you fight a shadow?

     Straining against the pointed grips, the nightmarish figures crowded in a circle around me, reaching and tearing strips from my mane and tail. But it never seemed like enough for them; they were closing in, preparing to overwhelm me. With each second that their greedy claws touched my skin, my flesh began to sear with pain like hot metal, yet filled me with a hollow, icy dread. The world started to go dark, adopting a fuzzy undefined quality - my eyelids grew heavy, the pain pulling me towards unconsciousness.

     The last thing I remember was a bright flash of blue light, the hiss and recoil of dark figures and then darkness.


     I awoke staring up at a ceiling in a dimly lit room, all sea-beaten wood and cobwebs. I felt drowsy and confused like I had been asleep for a long time, yet my head pounded and sharp pain shot up my leg whenever I moved, causing me to wince. Suddenly my memory flashed to the nightmarish encounter - menacing shadows closing in, all razor teeth and claws. How had I escaped?

     Looking down at my injured leg I noticed bandages where the creature had caught hold of me. Strange...

     My gaze travelled around me, taking in my surroundings. I was laying on what appeared to be a kitchen table in a small weather-worn cottage. At first glance the place looked abandoned - cobwebs hanging from every surface, rotting boards askew leaving gaping holes in the walls and floors and years of sea salt bleached the wood - but after a few moments, I noticed a mess of partially empty jars and unrolled gauze scattered atop adjacent counters. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it again - the faint glowing from the beach. My gaze darted towards the hazy green light and in the doorway, my eyes fell upon a small skeletal creature, a glowing Sklyde. I gazed at him and he gazed right back, tilting his head to the side and making a sound that I can only describe as chattering teeth.

     That's Crevan," A male voice came from the adjacent room "He's really quite friendly".

     My head snapped around and standing in the corner was a tall and lanky figure covered in a Byzantium cloak. The dark purple contrasted his unearthly pale skin, which, in the light, adopted an almost icy blue quality.

     W-Who are you?" I stammered as he fixed his gaze on me.

     I could ask you the same question," he retorted.

     I'm Hailey.

     Flip. How did you get here... alive that is?

     I was going to ask you the same question," I gestured towards my bandaged leg, "and where is here exactly?

     That's fair enough," he ran a hand through his short hair, bleached a pale blue like his skin. It was almost like the years of sea salt had affected him too. He sighed "How about a story for a story.


     This island didn't always look like this. It was a long time ago now, several years I expect, but it used to be a tropical island, an ideal destination for vacationers from all over Neopia."

     I grew up on the island, had friends, and was the life of the party. My buddies and I would spend countless hours at the beach, surfing, partying, and trying to charm the young vacationers who were visiting for a week or two. All of the island boys did. I broke a lot of hearts back then - I should have known that it would catch up with me one day.

     There was this one girl, Fila. All of the island boys chased after her, but I was the most handsome and the most relentless. We spent a few weeks together enjoying each other's company, but I never allowed myself to get attached. When I felt she was getting too close, I ended it, the same way I had with all of the others. It was selfish, I know that now."

     Despite what I thought at the time, Fila was no regular Neopet. She was a Faerie, able to change her appearance and use dark magic that us islanders had only heard about from distant lands. Immediately, her eyes grew stormy like gathering thunder clouds, her mouth set in a firm line. She spoke to me for the first time with harshness in her voice;

     Your curse is you.

     A plague not of death, but of preservation.

     For what good is a heart of stone, if not to live forever.

     To endure in isolation, amidst destruction and decay,

     And relive the horrors of your actions each friendless night and dismal day

     Only when truly broken, in mind, heart, and spirit, can you ever be free.

     But to be free, you will always be broken.

     At this she let out a bitter chuckle, 'maybe you'll find better company in these creatures, they are just as greedy, and just as heartless.' She turned and began to walk away, 'and I wouldn't bother trying to leave, you won't escape by any hand of your own - after all, you can never truly escape from yourself.' Before dissolving into nothingness - flaking to dust that was carried away on the warm sea breeze - she spoke one final line;

     Tis the time of reckoning,

     By dark beings of tooth, of talon and claw,

     To consume each innocent creature into their shadowy maws.


     From that moment, the island was never the same. The abundant foliage withered and died, the clear blue waters turned grey and violent, and these shadows, Sceadwe, sprang from nowhere, devouring everyone I knew."

     I'm so sorry..." I said softly, thinking about the recent events on my own island - my herd mates that didn't make it as far as the ocean.

     I brought it upon myself, and now I have to live with the consequences." Flip responded, voice condemning.

     Ever since, I have lived alone on this skeleton of an island; anything living that washes ashore is quickly dispatched by the Sceadwe, everything except Crevan of course. It is a lot harder to hurt a creature of bone." Crevan made his chattering noise again and trotted over to rub against Flip's leg, arching his back. Flip gazed down at the small Sklyde, bending over to scratch under its bony chin.

     It has been a long time since anything has disturbed the curse though, I think Neopia has all but forgotten that this island ever existed," Flip said, his eyes shifting back up to meet my gaze "Maybe that's why the Sceadwe took so long to realize that you were here.

     So the creatures that attacked me..." I began.

     Sceadwe. Designed solely to hunt any living thing that gets too close to me, anyone that could interfere with my punishment - makes it difficult to go to many parties these days," Flip laughed under his breath. "Don't worry sweetheart, I fought them off and hid you away in here before they could come back and finish the job. You were relatively lucky, it only took three days before the antidote started working.

     Three days!" I thought to myself, "No wonder I feel like I have been asleep for ages." Then a thought occurred to me; my eyebrows bunching in confusion," but why don't they attack me in here then?" I asked.

     Obviously, the cabin is enchanted," He gestured around the room. "They can't pass through these walls. It's my only reprise from them. From the constant reminders of this never-ending curse...

     But there must be a way to break the curse!?" I exclaimed.

     No way that I have found. Not yet anyway. Now, as promised, a story for a story.

     Flip sat down on the sofa opposite to me and I recounted the events of the past week; the attack on my peaceful island, the frantic swim and subsequent storm that separated me from my family and brought me to this island, and following Crevan to the cabin where I was attacked. The entire time, Flip sat and listened quietly. When I was finished, he stood up and said "Well Sweetheart, it sounds like your luck has been almost as good as mine." As he turned to walk down the hallway, "Make yourself comfortable, you'll be staying awhile."

     To be continued…

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