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Twelve Things To Make You Sing

by juliedoucet


Lately, I've been feeling pretty BLAH. Dull. Bored out of my skull. Lacking motivation. You get the picture. With the recent onset of some nicer weather, and with the Altador Cup on the horizon, I've decided that I need to focus on picking myself up. Re-energizing, if you will. I thought you, too, might benefit from my efforts, fellow Neopians, that we might engage in a collective process of shaking out the cobwebs and dusting ourselves off. So I've put together this handy-dandy guide to beating out the doldrums with Twelve Things to Make You (literally but sometimes figuratively) Sing! (It's the choir director's dozen, also referred to in colloquial terms as "one dozen.")

      Twelve Things to Make you Sing (or dance) of your own free will, and definitely not through coercion or magic.

     1.) Java Jive: feeling like blah blah blah in the mornings? Turn it around with some nice, hearty Java Jive! One cup of this extremely affordable beverage is sure to put some pep in your step, some swing in your hips, and a song in your heart! I take mine black as the absence of all light, but some folks like to add a splash of Kau's Milk, or a bit of sweetener. Beware, however; Java Jive packs a big ol' punch, energy wise, and imbibing too much can make it hard to sleep (at best) or hard to function in polite society (at worst). Unless you're a practised night Eyrie, you probably want to limit yourself to a cup or two per day, and will want to stick to mornings-- Java Jive is known to make even the buzziest of Buzz, well, buzz.

     2.) 2 Gallon Hats CD: when I just can't get my motor started, I like to pull out my Discman, put on my favourite set of headphones, and bop along to my favourite music while I run errands. 2 Gallon Hats also does it for me, sometimes to the point where I find myself dancing up a storm while perusing for fresh fruit at the Merry Acres Farm. Substitute in your favourite band's CD if you must, and dance like nobody's watching (even if they most definitely are).

     3.) Flotsams in Rock: an absolute page turner of a book about Neopia's top tier rock tradition, which has, unsurprisingly, been dominated by talented Flotsams (I mean, look at those fins. They were absolutely made for rocking out). From the most minute details of their rockstar lives (Glory! Fans! Stardom! Bedtime Routines!) To the inspirations behind their most inspiring songs, this book is a must-read for anyone with even the slightest interest in Rock Music. But don't be fooled, this isn't only about reading. Make sure to get out your paper and pens, your drum kit and best hairbrush (/microphone), because reading about Rock is sure to inspire you to rock out (by writing and then singing rock songs).

     4.) Guitar Lights: these gorgeous low-light string lights are perfect for any setting wherein you want to set the mood to Rock. The warm red glow always gives me that fuzzy, rosy feeling that says, "I can do anything, or at least I can give it a good shot (probably)!" You can basically cure most cases of feeling sleepy just by plugging these bad boys in, and if that doesn't make you sing, well. You may be a lost cause.

     5.) Plasma Tape Player: it is made of and/or runs on plasma, plus it plays tapes. There is nothing more to say about this.

     6.) Set of Spoons: when I set out to make this list, I made some rules for myself. One was that I needed to finish the list (completed, as you can see). Another was that I didn't want to include anything too obvious, like just listing off instruments you might play and sing along with. Neopians are smarter than that, you see. However, please consider this Set of Spoons. Spoons aren't really an instrument, are they? No. They are a tool. An early, primitive tool (it's well documented that even Grarrls had spoons) that been used by clever Neopians to make music. Anyway, get yourself some spoons, clank 'em all around, and have at-er singing wise!

     7.) Disco Ball Staff: bring the party with you wherever you go. No, seriously, I mean it. Grab your staff, like the boss wizard you are, and turn every walk, every coffee date, and every single business meeting into a real glitz and glam festivity. Singing, dancing, all of it will follow naturally. Can't be bored when someone's got a disco ball!

     8.) Yellow and Purple Party Hat: dress for the job you want, which in this case is partying (which is totally a job, of sorts)! Are there non-party contexts where you can shake off your blues and sing your heart out? Probably, but those don't matter right now, not when you're wearing your party hat!

     9.) Sunflower Necklace: you know what they say... tiptoe through the tulips and sing, sing, sing your way through the sunflowers!

     10.) Festive Sparkler: hard not to sing at least a little when you're holding a sparkly stick!

     11.) Amulet of the Sun: Isn't it gorgeous? Look at those rays! What a fun, sunny piece of jewellery. Put it on, and feel your whole world just ... change. For the better!

     12.) Pulsing Ruby Ring: look into the ring. Stare at it. Gaze into it. Doesn't the pulsing just feel like it's massaging your brain? Isn't it hard to think thoughts right now, no matter how big or important? Wow, I bet your whole mind is ruby red by now, just pulsing right along with the ring. Don't stop looking into it. Feel it? Right there, in your chest, where your heart should be? That's where the song is. The ruby red pulsing song that the ring is speaking to. Don't fret anymore. Your worries belong to the ring now. Just relax. Feel your heart pulse. Open your mouth and let it out.

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