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Nightline ACN

by love_check


This featured presentation is inspired by Dateline and brought to you by the Altador Cup Network, and is strictly non-canon.

      Tobias: Good evening, Neopians. I'm Tobias Sigmir, and this is an exclusive look into the chaos and tragedy surrounding this year's Altador Cup XXXVI.

     Never a dull moment is what perfectly describes the Meridell and Darigan Citadel rivalry. For the past decade, tensions have been rising between the two lands ever since Lord Darigan stepped down from his duties.

     This year's month of Relaxing was anything but. On June 29th, Neopia was shaken by the sudden disappearance of Meridell's retired centre defence Ilsa Ellits which overshadowed the Altador Cup finale. Could this be defined as the breaking point?

     Joining me tonight are legendary former team captains of Meridell and Darigan Citadel, "Wizard" Windelle and Layton Vickles. Thank you two for agreeing to do this.

      Layton: *softly hisses*

     Windelle: *nods in acknowledgment*

      Tobias: Before we get started, there's something I'd like to clarify. I've been told that the two of you are pretty close friends outside the AC. Is this true?

      Layton: Yes...your point being?

      Tobias: The friendship between you two is not widely known, especially amongst your fans. There were speculations but no proven facts.

      Windelle: Our team members back in the day knew, and a few others close to us, I think, did as well. But it's not like Layton, and I are trying to keep it a secret.

     Layton: We would answer truthfully if asked.

      Tobias: Ah yes, I'm sure. Now, you both understand the severity of the situation between Meridell and Darigan Citadel. As expected, these tensions were being projected onto the Altador Cup. Has it been, six--seven years? You guys were one of the longest-running team captains and retired at the same time.

     Windelle: Did we? I don't even remember. Do you, man?

     Layton: I have little interest in the news.

     Tobias: Ha ha! Well, regardless, it's quite an impressive feat. Is it not?

     Windelle: Hey, if you say so.

     Layton: *shrugs and ruffles wings*

      Tobias: Layton, you said you aren't interested in the news. But surely you must know what happened with Ellits.

     Layton: I am very much aware.

     Windelle: That's why we're here, right?

      Tobias: Correct. Windelle, if you don't mind me asking, what was Ellits to you? Not as Meridell's defender, not as a determined strategist, but just Ilsa.

     Windelle: Ilsa Ellits is...a serious guy and really smart. His patience really helped me when I had my conflicts with the media and fame. Any question I asked him, he had the answer 99.9% of the time. He was like a life coach to me.

     Tobias: Sounds to me that he made a big impact on your life in a good way. How did you find out about his disappearance?

     Windelle: Yeah...he sure did. It was about a day before news broke out in the media. I was at a Meridell supporters event with Fiorina. She was his closest friend. They were inseparable after retirement from the cup games. Anyways, we were about to start the function, but Ilsa hadn't arrived, which was super unlike him. He'd always be one of the first ones there. So we tried calling and texting him. We knew something was wrong when he wasn't responding. Fiorina...she started panicking real bad, and it took everything in me to calm her down enough to get through most of the event. Despite that, she and I left early to go to his house. When we got there, his front door was unlocked. No one was home. And it didn't seem like there was any evidence suggesting struggle or theft.

     Tobias: Did you look elsewhere for him?

     Windelle: No doubt we did! We checked the stables, fields, shops, anywhere you can think of in Meridell. Fiorina is at that blasted Skarl's castle right now looking for him. Even Layton here is doing all he can to help us out.

     Tobias: I can tell that you are all working around the clock.

     Windelle: It's not enough. So many Neopians are worried sick, and we need answers. And we still don't know whether he left on his own accord or not.

     Tobias: Indeed. The whereabouts of Ellits remain unclear. His last known location was Meri Acres.

     Windelle: Yeah, at least to the best of Fiorina's and my knowledge.

      Tobias: Layton, did you know Ilsa outside the AC?

     Layton: Briefly. Polite bloke he is.

     Windelle: That's all you have to say about him? You met him more than once, y'know.

     Layton: Does not change a thing.

     Tobias: Then how did you know about his disappearance?

     Layton: From Mr. 'Wizard' here.

      Tobias: According to multiple news sources, both of you were brought in for questioning. But Layton, you were a top suspect from the start.

     Windelle: *snort* Big shocker.

     Layton: Unfortunately, I was once considered to be the number one suspect.

     Tobias: And did you believe in that, Windelle?

     Windelle: Absolutely not. Layton just doesn't have the heart to do it.

     Layton: *glares at Windelle*

     Windelle: Only kidding. I am, really. Layton is one of the very few who I trust right now, and I'm confident that he had zero involvement.

     Tobias: Hearing you loud and clear, Windelle. Were there any feelings of intimidation or unfair judgment towards you, Layton?

     Layton: Plenty. A couple days after Windelle told me about Ellits, I received calls from my family and friends asking if I was okay. I wondered why. Why were they worried about me when it was Ellits who was missing? It really bothered and angered me. But soon I would understand their worries. Eventually, threatening messages were sent to me at my workplace, gym, and even my home. They started invading my social media. Half of Neopia was against me for a while. At the time, there was no room for caving in. They asked questions. I answered. Simple as that.

     Tobias: How were you able to cope with that pressure?

     Layton: Deep meditation. I take pride in it. During on and off season, I heavily relied on those methods to stay calm and focused amongst the fierce competition. And I still do.

     Tobias: And it shows. You were very level-headed and quickly handled the whole ordeal pretty well.

     Layton: I, um--well...I suppose.

     Windelle: You're a cool guy after all.

     Layton: *glares at Windelle again, then proceeds to glare at the camera*

      Tobias: Ahem...Windelle, do you have any regrets concerning Ilsa?

     Windelle: I just--*sigh* What if I postponed or cancelled the event? Would anything have changed? ...What if he needed our help while we were somewhere else?

     Layton: Illusen says what's lost can not be found in the past but can be found in the present.

     Tobias: Fair point--

     Windelle: And Jhudora says what a pile of dung you're spouting out.

     Layton: I only say so because your so-called regrets will hinder our concentration on finding Ellits.

     Windelle: I can't help it! You weren't there. Every day, the guilt is eating me alive. If only I had listened to Fiorina. I should have stopped the event from the start...

     Layton: Nobody knew what was going to happen or what had happened. How were you supposed to know? The fact is that Ilsa is missing, and we are all trying our best to find him, including you yourself.

     Windelle: Mm...yeah.

     Layton: You did nothing wrong, and yet you constantly beat yourself over this matter.

     Tobias: Layton--

     Layton: You are a heck of a Yooyuball striker, Windelle. But more importantly, you are a good man and a loyal friend.

     Windelle: Aw man, now you got me in the feels. You having a crush on me or somethin'?

     Layton: Do not flatter yourself.

     Windelle: Ha, I deserve it once in a while.

     Tobias: I can kind of see now why you two are friends.

     Windelle: See? Now you have proof.

      Tobias: Ha ha, I sure do. Moving forward...What are your thoughts about the Altador Cup's decision in continuing its finale even after word spread about Ellits?

     Layton: The show must go on.

     Tobias: Pardon?

     Windelle: Er--what he means is that it was towards the end of the tournament and all the hard work from team players needed to have closure. I'm not surprised. Though I think that the end of this year's AC had barely any coverage compared to Ilsa's case.

     Layton: There certainly was no celebration.

     Tobias: Truly.

     Windelle: Ilsa would have been the loudest supporter for Meridell. Everyone looks up to him. I just hope that if he's still out there, he's safe.

     Layton: We will continue our search no matter what.

     Windelle: *nods*

     Tobias: Then I will conclude our discussion here on a hopeful note. Thank you both again for your input. And thank you, viewers, for tuning in.

     This has been a mini interview on the unfolding case of Ilsa Ellits, only on Nightline ACN. Good night.

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