Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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Life Improvised [Part 1]

by keng200

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Burying The Hatchet
Some grudges aren't worth holding onto... collab with darkobsession and hasse_li_37

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Making (and Remaking) Darigan History
"A Yellow Xweetok in a checkerboard top, thick-framed glasses and plaid skirt were glued to a bulky and round screen. In bold letters, the show exclaims, “DARIGAN CITADEL WINS!” Her mouth slides to a slant as she raises a paw to adjust the comically nerdy glasses."

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Images of Vullards
"In some of the old paintings of the war, I saw Vullards. They circled overhead, they lurked on fences and parapets. I asked my father why, once. He used to be a knight."

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XxD: Meridell v Darigan Lists
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