Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,128,178 Issue: 965 | 29th day of Swimming, Y24
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The Redeemed Lord

by spinellihoopla

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Restocking at Kayla's Potion Shop in Y24
"Ah, restocking. A classic way to earn Neopoints. Buy low, sell high, that's all there is to it, right?"collab with kalzorn

by flufflepuff


Neither Here Nor There
"Blend in. Blend in, blend in, blend in. The Purple Cybunny darted back and forth, moving the spiked and twisted Darigan vegetables from packing crates to the dim store shelves so fast that they seemed to float through the air by themselves."

by nut862


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two - Part 1
"The war room of Meridell Castle was full of knights either seated at the table, jostling for position on the floor, or standing around wherever they could find room." collab with twillieblossom - thumbnail artist

by precious_katuch14


Recounting the Battle for Meridell
"Almost two decades after one of the most eventful and gruelling battles in Neopian history, as a society, we still recall the Battle for Meridell with perfect clarity." collab with shin0bi_

by therainbowsheep

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