The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,167,960 Issue: 969 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y24
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Kyriffic Crossword Puzzle

by neo_coaster363

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On Wings of Spring
"You bob and weave on the battlefield, exchanging jabs with a brutal mercenary. You duck a punch, dodge a back fist, and expertly trip your opponent up as she aims a kick in your direction. Another victory!"

by rosesncream


Alma the Brave Little Chomby
”Woah, there little one!” Scarlet swooped down and intercepted the little Chomby before she could wander into the cave. “That is no place for you.”

by rkbear


At least it beats feeding Kads... collab with the_gecko_dude_ii

by kuroneko_kitty


The Silent Warrior
"It all starts in the Battledome. There was a warrior who fought there called SEAGLA55-her trainer, Tallulah, or tarulliah, as she was formally known, was very proud of her warrior."

by tarulliah

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