Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,224,337 Issue: 973 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y24
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Celebrate? More like Slorgibrate!

by elipsis4k

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Great stories!


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two
"'We really should send a small squad of knights,' Tuffold commented as he and Danner walked down the Meridell Castle hallway. 'It’s the third day since Jeran and Rohane left. I hope they didn’t wind up duelling each other along the way.'"

by precious_katuch14


Birthday Truce
"When the sun rises over Meridell, you never know what the day will bring. This is especially the case when you’re a Darigan Eyrie..."

by parody_ham


Neopies Special Edition - Neopets Birthday
Happy Neopets Birthday! Collab with 6moricehero6

by poxaleo


Vandagyre Day Crossword
Nothing like appreciating the Vandagyre with a crossword puzzle and your favorite breakfast!

by gromits

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