Meow Circulation: 197,224,337 Issue: 973 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y24
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Neopets' 23th Birthday!!

by dollsuki

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Geographical Guide to the Best Recipes in Every Land
"his week, Lilian and Werther are visiting lands more known for their myths and faerie tales than their physical locations. Directions? Second star to the left and straight on til morning … except you can visit these places, even outside your dreams!" Collab with cutiepie4707

by doglover3662


Life and Neopets
It's nice to be back. Happy birthday Neopets!

by woohooloolz


Have a Happy, Healthy Birthday, Neopets!
A healthy way to enjoy a birthday!

by fox_confessor


A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two
"'We really should send a small squad of knights,' Tuffold commented as he and Danner walked down the Meridell Castle hallway. 'It’s the third day since Jeran and Rohane left. I hope they didn’t wind up duelling each other along the way.'"

by precious_katuch14

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