Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Valentine Mystery Noir

by honorrolle


19th Day of Awakening, Year 25- morning:

     I woke with a start to the sound of a Weewoo chirping on the ledge outside of my office window. Yesterday's rain had cleared, but the heavy clouds, I wasn't sure for how long.

     I took a moment to ground myself and take in the state of the office in front of me. Papers strewn about, case files and evidence stacked mile high, and character profiles pinned to the wall in front of me. I groaned. I had tried to pull an all-nighter thinking I would crack this case, but clearly, the hot Borovan I had drank to try and keep myself awake did not mix well with the Neocola I’d had while visiting Kenny G’s earlier that night. I must have dozed off around 5 am NST. I flicked my wrist to catch the time: 11 am. The day was already slipping away from me.

     I kicked my paws into high gear and got ready for the day, packed up all of the case materials I deemed important enough to carry with my in my briefcase for the day (the little black notebook, Aisha sculpture, Lincoln’s favourite quill, and another copy of the Neopian Times article), a few Meaty Lupe Treats (my favourite) for a snack later in the day, and rushed out the door.

     My first stop of the day was Persephone Peophin. I interviewed her a couple of days ago, but it was time to dig deeper into my theory about the Valentine’s triangle, and learn more about that fight that was mentioned in the ciphered message. Then, I would visit Luna Lutari to see if there was anything I had missed about all of that time she had been spending with Lincoln before his disappearance.

     I arrived at Persephone’s Neohome in record time: it was 12:15 NST by the time I was walking up to her doorstep. I raised my paw to knock, but stopped myself. I heard hushed whispers in harsh tones. It seemed Persephone was not alone. Perhaps she had a guest over for lunch. Or perhaps, she had another unexpected guest, much like myself.

     I perked up my ears and tried to see if I could make out any of the words being whispered on the other side of the door. In between the hushed tones all I could make out was “writing… LESSONS?!” Could it be that the second item on my agenda for this afternoon was right in front of me as well?

     I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The harsh whispers stopped. I waited for a long moment, and began to raise my paw to knock again when the door was whisked open in front of me. A beautiful Peophin was standing in front of me.

     “Hello Galeii,” Persephone said. “Have you found Lincoln yet?!” She asked hopefully, but I could tell something in her tone was… off. What was she hiding?

     “No, Persephone, I’m still collecting evidence to try and solve—”

     “Well, I told you everything I know last time,” Persephone interrupted. “So I don’t know why you feel the need to disturb me in my home at lunchtime.” She stuck her nose up in the air. Why the sudden change of demeanour?

     “Ah, yes, lunchtime. I heard you having a, um, pleasant lunchtime conversation just a moment ago. Where has your guest gone off to?” I asked curiously.

     “Guest? What guest?” Persephone looked at me quizzically. “Oh, you must have overheard my television! I was watching the new episode of Gossip Grarrl on Neovision+.”

     Lucky for me, I was all caught up on Gossip Grarrl. “Oh, I loved this week’s episode! I was so happy that Sienna van de Wocky finally returned to Neopia Central from Mystery Island, weren’t you?”

     “Erm, yes, I am glad she’s back,” Persephone said.

     “HA! Got you. Sienna van de Wocky still hasn’t returned. She’s missing just like Lincoln. But unlike her, I do not think Lincoln vanished on purpose to ‘find himself’ like the Wocky did in the show. Tell me what’s really going on, Persephone. And who is it you’re hiding in your Neohome?”

     The Peophin sighed. “Luna, you can come out now.”

     A Lutari sheepishly emerged from the under the stairs closet. “Hi, Galeii,” she said, defeated.

     “What’s going on here? What am I missing?” I asked. “It’s time to come clean.”

     The Lutari and Peophin shared a look, before Persephone sighed. “Luna came over here this morning because she thought I knew where Lincoln was.” She noticed the look on my face before hurriedly continuing. “I don’t know where he is. I wish I did. As much as I am angry with him, I do still care about his well-being.”

     “And why are you angry with him?”

     Luna interjected herself into the conversation. “It was my fault. As we discussed previously, Lincoln was spending a lot of time with me to give me writing and editing lessons. Nothing was going on between us, but I was learning a great deal from him, and he was talking to me about part 2 of his exposé for the Neopian Times.”

     I considered everything Luna had to say, but I still wasn’t buying it. “Luna, we’ve been over that. Everything you just told me was from our first interview. I still get the feeling that I’m missing something here.”

     Luna and Persephone shared another look, but they both stayed silent.

     “Ladies, please. I can tell you both care about Lincoln in your own ways. I just want to find him, and make sure that he’s okay. Same as you. Tell me what you know, please. So I can solve this case.”

     “It’s the Turdles.” What—?

     “LUNA! You promised me you wouldn’t say anything!” It was as if you could see steam coming out of Persephone’s ears and nose.

     “I’m sorry Persephone, but Galeii is right. We need to find Lincoln. And this will help.” Luna Lutari turned to look at me. “I think Lincoln encountered a breakthrough with his Turdle racing exposé. He was telling me all about it the last time I saw him, but wouldn’t disclose any details. He promised me he would let me read his second Neopian Times article before it went to press. But when it was time for our next writing lesson, he didn’t show up. He disappeared the night prior. It has something to do with Duke Draik and his Turdle racing empire. Duke’s your guy for sure.”

     Eureka, a solid lead. I could tell by the look on Luna’s face that she was being honest with me. But then, why did Persephone not want her to tell me?

     I acknowledged Luna’s information and thanked her for being honest, then turned my questioning gaze back to Persephone. I didn’t even need to open my mouth before she was coming clean.

     “Duke Draik was one of my biggest fans at the nightclub. He would sit in the front row every night to cheer me on, and throw roses to me at the end of every show. That is, until Duke found out about my complicated history with Lincoln, who was threatening to expose his business secrets. Duke told me that he would go to Clarice and Georgie G and get my contract with Kenny G’s nightclub voided if Lincoln posted his second Neopian Times article.” Persephone looked distraught. I could tell this was difficult for her.

     I gave Persephone an empathetic look. “Is that what you and Lincoln fought about before he disappeared?” I asked.

     “I was devastated at the thought of my career being stunted by a nosy Lupe that I was finally done with. So I went to Lincoln and asked him to stop digging into the Turdle racing, and drop his article. Of course, noble as he is, Lincoln refused. That’s what our fight was about.” Persephone sighed. As private and aloof as the Peophine was, it seemed like she was glad to finally get that off her chest. “I don’t know if Duke is behind Lincoln’s disappearance. He might be. Wherever he is, I just want to make sure Lincoln is okay.”

     “I do too, ma’am. Do either of you know if he ever finished that second article?” I asked.

     “No, neither of us do. That’s all we know, Galeii. We mean it this time.” Luna said. And I believed them.

     I thanked the Lutari and Peophin for their time and their candour, and left Persephone’s home. As I reached the sidewalk, I glanced down at my watch. 1:37 pm NST. The daily Turdle Racing round occurred at 2:15 pm. If I hurried, I could make it to Meridell before it started.

     I took off down the sidewalk but quickly found myself taking a tumble. I must have tripped over a tree trunk in the middle of the sidewalk. How clumsy of me. As I began to pick myself up, I noticed it again: the green and black flash from the night before. I took off running after it.


To be continued…

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