Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Green Wearables for the Baby in Your Life

by _brainchild_


---Starring Walda the Baby Kacheek, Naydeen the Baby Korbat, Berrilana the Baby Lutari, and Christine, their owner!---

      Christine: Welcome! When Illusen Day rolls around each year, you’ll undoubtedly see many loyal Neopians donning green hues. While babies may not have much to wear---

     Walda: THEY HAD BETTER! ---huffs---

     Christine: ---babies can fortunately find some attractive green options this season.

     Walda: Good...

     Naydeen: Walda, it’s rude to interrupt.

     Berrilana: ...And scream, for that matter.

     Christine: Anyway, in honour of the Illusen/Green-themed issue of the Neopian Times, I have obtained some gorgeous green baby wearables for you all to try on.

     Walda: YAY!!! ---claps---

     Christine: Without further ado, here are the items:

      ---Baby Clover Wig---


      Berrilana: I LOVE THIS WIG!!! It matches my eyes perfectly.

     Walda: Meh, it’s too short for me!

     Naydeen: Same here, but at least the clover headband is cute! It’s so glittery, and it’s my favourite colour.

     Berrilana: All of the items here are your favourite colour, Naydeen...

     Naydeen: Which is why I’m so excited about them!

     Walda: Maybe if the wig were longer, I’d wear it, but I’ll pass on this one.

     Berrilana: I think that short hairstyles can be cute, too.

     Christine: Whatever length of hairstyles you all choose, I think you all look beautiful. :)

      ---Baby Frogarott Costume---


      Naydeen: What a PERFECT pair of pajamas! They look just like a Frogarott.

     Walda: WOW!!! Really?! I didn’t know that! ...In other words, the sky is blue.

     Christine: Walda, please don’t be rude to your sister.

     Berrilana: I’m not sure if these are meant to be pajamas. For example, you could be a Frogarott this Halloween.

     Naydeen: Well, they’re pajamas to me. The fleece lining inside is so soft and warm!

     Walda: True... It’s still cold and windy out. Yuck.

     Berrilana: Yeah, but would you wear your “pajamas” outside?

     Walda: Yeah, I wear them to SCHOOL! ---sticks tongue out---

     Berrilana: I wouldn’t be caught DEAD wearing pajamas in public...

     Walda: Well, I don’t CAAARRREEE!!! ---sticks tongue out again---

      ---Baby Pajamas---


      Naydeen: Yay, another pair of pajamas! These have a more classic look to them.

     Berrilana: Well, they’ve been around since Year 12, which is longer than any of us have been alive.

     Walda: ---scoffs--- EW. I don’t wear hand-me-downs!

     Christine: Hand-me-downs are, in fact, a good way to save money and reduce waste at the same time. Why throw something away when someone else will love it?

     Naydeen: Doesn’t the Second-Hand Shoppe in Neopia Central give stuff away for free?

     Walda: That place is full of DUNG!!! EWWWWWWW!!!

     Berrilana: True... Don’t get your hand-me-downs THERE. That place looks (and smells) more like a giant bathroom than an actual store. The dung should go straight to the Meridell Rubbish Dump!

     Christine: Anyway, since Neocash items (like Baby Pajamas) don’t go to that particular store, you should be able to find a non-stinky pair for your wearing pleasure.

      ---Baby Shamrock Tutu---


      Berrilana: How adorable! Perfect for the dancer in your life.

     Naydeen: Meh, I prefer pants. That thing is too frilly for my tastes.

     Walda: At least it’s glittery, though! I love the ribbon.

     Naydeen: True. Glitter makes everything prettier.

     Walda: A Baby Winter Sweater wouldn’t look too bad with this, now, would it?

     Berrilana: Those two would look GREAT together, and the sweater would be nice and warm.

     Walda: I wish I could say the same for the tutu.... We need leggings in BABY SIZES! ---huffs---

     Christine: Walda, there is no need to shout.

     Naydeen: Well, she does have a point. Leggings in baby sizes, please! Preferably nice and warm.

      ---Baby Spring Jumper---


      Walda: Very cute! I love the flowers.

     Berrilana: Meh, I think that it would look better if the flowers were yellow. Like my Baby Faellie Plushie Friend.

     Walda: I don’t know WHY you still play with that thing. GROW UP!!!

     Berrilana: ---frowns---

     Christine: Walda, there is no law saying you have to give up your favourite interests when you turn a certain age. There are lots of adults who got hooked on Neopets as children, and still play to this day.

     Walda: True, but a PLUSHIE?! I’ll bet Berrilana sleeps with it every night with a nightlight on!

     Naydeen: Walda, stop being a bully!

     Christine: Walda, please be nice. Anyway, we are WAY off topic. The spring jumper is hand-crocheted by Neopia’s finest artisans. It’s slow to produce, but oh so worth the effort!

     Naydeen: True... I’m sure it’s nice and warm!

      ---Baby in a Highchair---


      Walda: WOOOOOWWW. I thought that sleeping with a plushie was immature... Here we have a HIGHCHAIR!

     Berrilana: Ick... Even I’m past highchairs.

     Naydeen: Donate that thing! We don’t need it.

     Christine: Well, everyone was brand-new at one point, weren’t they? Infants will love this beautiful green highchair---

     Walda: But WE’RE NOT INFANTS!!! ---huffs---it

     Naydeen: True... being an infant and being painted Baby are two different things.

     Christine: Well, I’m sure that someone will love this for their infant this Illusen Day. Be sure to use the seatbelt to prevent falls.

     Berrilana: Anyone wanna help me move this thing to the curb?

     Walda: I’ll get it! I don’t need any help.

      ---Walda, a Battledome pet with a massive strength stat, carries away the highchair with ease.---

      Christine: ---sigh--- Well, someone will grab it and love it, I guess...

      ---Dyeworks Green: Baby Polka Dot Dress---


      Christine: I thought it would be a good idea to include at least one Dyeworks wearable, so here it is.

     Berrilana: I think that this fabric would rip easily... Better not to run around in it or anything.

     Walda: True... There’s NO WAY I’d wear it to the Battledome.

     Berrilana: Well, at least it’s pretty. The yellow and green look great together. It matches my Baby Faellie Plushie Friend!

     Walda: You need to give that thing up, seriously.

     Naydeen: I hope it gets washed every so often.

     Berrilana: Don’t worry, it does! You’d be complaining if it smelled.

     Christine: Anyway, this dress is very elegant, whether or not it has a matching Faellie.


      Christine: So, which item was everyone’s favourite?

     Berrilana: The Baby Clover Wig... It’s so sparkly!

     Naydeen: The Baby Frogarott Costume... So soft and cute!

     Walda: Anything but the highchair! ---scowls---

     Naydeen: You can say that again.

     Christine: Anyway, the babies of Neopia should look great in their green wearables this Illusen Day. Until next time, dear readers!

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