Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,466,050 Issue: 983 | 19th day of Hunting, Y25
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The Missing Mask

by 77thbigby


Toxi ran some errands around Neopia Central and continued to contemplate the mystery. She returned to the disco about an hour and a half before opening. All the employees were already present, diligently working at their stations, which was strange since the night before they all trickled in at different times. Dylan's sisters were also present, including Lalanis. The three were sitting in a booth, chatting, and enjoying some nachos. Although Toxi wanted to speak with Lalanis, she wasn't eager to start another confrontation with Barbie. Only Emmy seemed to have noticed her, and the Elephante eyed her warily.

     "Toxi, good to see you!" Dylan said, but his sadness was clear behind his smile.

     "Is there a chance we can talk in private?" Toxi asked. "I was hoping to give you some updates."

     "I'm afraid I can't," Dylan said. "Maybe later tonight. Lalanis called everyone here early because she had an announcement to make. Now that you're here, I suspect she'll begin her speech soon."

     "What sort of announcement is it?"

     "I think since she knows how sad I've been, she wants to give a speech to motivate everyone. I'd rather sneak away and hide in my office, to be honest. I'm still so ashamed of losing her precious gift."

     Dylan's love for his family was as strong as his love for his disco.

     Lalanis walked up to a microphone set up in the middle of the dancefloor. "As you all know, Dylan has the biggest heart in Neopia Central. He's been feeling pretty down in the dumps lately, so I thought maybe we could do something to cheer him up."

     A Toy Gnorbu walked up with a huge box and placed it carefully on the ground.

     "Surprise!" Lalanis exclaimed as he unwrapped the present.

     When he took the lid off the box, his eyes widened, and he turned to look at Lalanis with amazement. "Lala, what is this?"

     "It's another mask!" Lalanis shouted gleefully.

     Toxi overheard Niko mutter, "Somehow even uglier, gaudier, and bigger than the first one. And yet, it's already growing on me."

     Dylan was openly crying and blushing at the strength of his reaction. Lalanis hugged him and couldn't stop smiling.

     While all eyes remained on the stage, Toxi went up to the microphone. She observed each person in the club, paying careful attention to each person's reaction to the new mask. She said, "I have an announcement to make too. I have reason to believe the original mask is still here in the building. If we all work together, I believe Dylan will have two masks to hang on the wall tonight."

     "You really think so?" Dylan asked, wiping away his tears.

     Lalanis shouted out, "No way to know unless we look!"

     With that, the crowd dispersed. Toxi observed the search from afar. In the kitchen, the waitresses flung open every cabinet and searched behind the shelves in the freezer. Lalanis and Dylan tore the office apart, pushing furniture around to check every possible spot. The DJs strolled around the perimeter, looking for anything out of the ordinary. In contrast, Emmy and Barbie whispered amongst themselves and occasionally leaned down to check under nearby tables. Of course, since the disco had been open yesterday, there was little chance the mask was stashed under a table.

     "Ouch!" Niko called out from the corner of the room.

     "What happened?" Simon said.

     "This nail is a nearly pulled out of the floor!" Niko complained.

     "Whoa, that doesn't look very safe. Good thing you were wearing sneakers, or you could have been seriously injured."

     Dylan hurried over. "I'm terribly sorry, Niko. I'll go get a hammer from my office."

     "Yes," Toxi agreed. "Get a hammer because I'd like to remove this floorboard."

     With those words, Dylan took off running. He returned with the hammer and said, "Everyone please step back and give me space." He removed the floorboard, and his eyes lit up. "Niko, this might make you feel a bit better."

     "My mug!" Niko cried, taking the dusty, grimy mug from Dylan. "I'm going to make some coffee right now!" He set off at a run that revealed his foot to be in perfect condition.

     "I'd better make sure he washes that first. I fear his excitement might get the best of his judgment," Simon said and followed him to the kitchen.

     Dylan pulled out a polka-dot umbrella holder and a worse-for-wear cactus in a pot with googly eyes. "I didn't even notice these had gone missing." He gasped. "I think I see it!" He kept calm while wielding the hammer and carefully removed an adjacent board. He plunged his arm down beneath the floor, and when he pulled it out, he was holding the missing mask. Even beneath the dust, the conflicting colours, shapes, and patterns were a sight to behold.

     The missing mask was found. But a mystery isn't fully solved until the culprit or culprits are revealed.

     As the mask was revealed to those gathered, a general cheer went up. Dylan's family and friends gathered around, congratulating him on the discovery…except for two, of course.

     "Yay," Barbie said dryly, "the mask has been found."

     Emmy looked relieved and seemed genuinely happy for her brother.

     "Time to put this back where it belongs," Dylan said. He looked at Lala. "Thank you for being willing to replace the mask but I much prefer the original. You can keep the other mask for yourself or return it, as you see fit."

     "Hmmm…I would keep it but I don't know where I could possibly find space for it. But I'm just happy we were able to find the original mask!" Lala laughed, delighted by this turn of events.

     With the mystery now solved, everyone was content to get back to work.

     Dylan headed for the sound booth, Toxi on his heels. Using a clean rag, he wiped down the mask of the dust that had accumulated over the past couple of days it had spent hidden under the floorboards rather than on its cherished place on the wall. Once he was satisfied it was clean, he hung the mask back on the wall and took a step back to admire it.

     "None the worse for wear." He beamed as he looked at Toxi. "I can't thank you enough! I had no idea that there was even a space under the floor like that! I never would have thought to look that closely. As I agreed, now that the case is solved, you have a lifetime membership to the disco as long as I own it."

     Toxi raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Oh, I never say a case is closed until all of the loose ends have been neatly tied. While it's a good thing that the mask has been recovered undamaged, we still don't know who did it or why they felt the need to hide it in the first place. If they aren't caught now, who's to say they won't come back and try it again? And with a worse result next time?"

     Dylan frowned, giving his beloved mask a worried look. "I didn't think of all that. Do you have any theories?"

     The Draik detective gave a reluctant nod. "I do but I don't think you're going to like the answer."

     Dylan's frown deepened. "I trust your professional opinion, Toxi. Please don't be afraid to be honest with me."

     "Well, from everything I've seen and heard these past couple of days, I believe that the culprits are your sisters, Barbie and Emmy. They've been the least interested in the case and in fact, most uncooperative in every aspect. Every time I've tried to ask even casual questions, they've either left immediately or deflected by attacking my character." She quickly raised a hand to stop any protest from Dylan. "They also were decidedly underwhelmed by the discovery of the mask and video surveillance has an Elephante here on the night of the crime. From what I've discovered, I would say they are the most likely culprits."

     "But you're not sure?" Dylan sounded like he didn't want to believe it but was unable to deny that what Toxi said made sense.

     "The only way to know for sure is to confront them, if you think they'll be honest with you?"

     Dylan's look hardened to one of determination. "If they are guilty, then it’s best to go straight to the source. I hate to think that my own family would do something so unfeeling but you're right. I can't go around not knowing or worse, suspecting someone I've always trusted."

     Toxi waved a hand, in a silent 'after you' gesture.

     The Disco Elephante led the way across the dance floor to where his two sisters seemed to be having a terse conversation in whispered tones. As they neared, they could just pick up what was being said.

     "So, what do we do now since the original plan didn't work?" Emmy asked.

     "Clearly we're gonna have to try something more drastic. I do not need my reputation on the line for something like that to ruin my schedule," Barbie said.

     "More drastic? But don't you think-"

     Their conversation came to an abrupt end as Lala joined them, the second mask under one arm.

     "Isn't it great that Dylan's mask was found? I knew Toxi was great at detective stuff, but I didn't know she worked that fast!" Lala exclaimed.

     "Yeah, it’s great," Emmy said weakly.

     Barbie's face bore a thinly veiled look of disgust. "Yes, wonderful. The case is closed, and you can return that eyesore back to whatever secondhand shop you picked it up from."

     Lala looked taken aback by her sister's vitriol.

     "Barbie!" Emmy gasped.

     Dylan reached his sisters, his normally happy features turned sad. "So that's how you feel."

     Barbie's eyes flashed with a brief look of regret before shifting to one of defiance. "Yeah, it really is, Dyl. The disco is a great venue space, or it would be if it weren't for your lack of decent décor. You refuse to stand up and put your foot down on things that actually matter."

     "Like your clients?" Dylan scoffed. "You want me to put my foot down? Well, I'm doing that now. Our family is the most important thing to me and right now, you are not acting like family. Mom and Dad would be sorely disappointed in your selfish behaviour and so am I." He shook his head, looking pained. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you give me no choice. I need the key for the disco back."

     Barbie looked alarmed at Dylan's sudden change. "But you can't do that! I've got a full schedule this month and where am I going to find a suitable venue at the last minute?"

     "You should have thought of that before doing something so insensitive. What were you thinking, Barb? Even if you felt that way, you couldn't have come to talk to me? I'm your brother. We could have worked something out but now?" Dylan shook his head again, words finally failing him.

     Barb reluctantly dropped the key into her brother's open palm. She rose to her feet and left in a huff.

     "Barbie!" Emmy called after her, half rising to her feet as if to follow.

     "And you," Dylan turned his sights on his other sister. "How could you go along with this and not tell me?"

     Emmy looked wide-eyed at her brother, looking truly regretful. "I'm so sorry, Dylan! But you know how stubborn she can be. It’s not like I could talk her out of it, and she made so much sense. My work suffers, too, you know. There's nothing like taking the perfect shot and seeing it ruined by an ugly background."

     "Next time, come talk to me. I hate that my sisters think they have to keep secrets from me and sneak around behind my back. It’s not okay!" Dylan took a deep breath, as if to calm himself before he lost his composure altogether.

     "I really am sorry," Emmy said, handing over her key to her brother before he asked.

     "I know," Dylan said softly.

     Emmy also saw herself out of the disco.

     During the tense confrontation, Dylan's employees had made themselves scarce. It felt like the air had gone out of the room but now that it was over, things returned back to normal.

     Dylan put his trunk to his forehead for a moment.

     Lala came up beside him and gently touched his shoulder.

     "I can't believe she would do something like this. Our own sister."

     "Yeah," Lala sighed.

     "Well, it’s not the ending I wanted but it's the one we've got. Hard as this has been, I hope that they've learned their lesson and think twice before trying such a stunt again."

     Lala managed a small smile. "I hope things will get better, now that Barbie knows you won't stand for her bulldozing anymore."

     "Only time will tell."

     Lala gave her brother one last squeeze before moving off.

     Dylan turned to see that Toxi was already making her way for the exit and he hailed her before she made it. "Toxi, wait!"

     The Pirate Draik halted in her tracks.

     "Thanks again for everything, Toxi. I truly appreciate the help. I certainly wouldn't have found any of this out without your hard work."

     "It was my pleasure, Dylan."

     He looked uncertain. "You don't think I was too hard on them, do you?"

     "Not one bit. They brought this upon themselves."

     His face cleared. "That they certainly did. But now we can get on with business as usual. I hope to see you at the disco every now and again. Please feel free to say hello whenever you visit!"

     "Oh, I intend to."

     With that, Toxi left Dylan's Disco. She always felt satisfied at a mystery solved and a case closed. She gave Molly an affectionate pat on the head before heading off to tackle their next case.

     The End.

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