Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,466,050 Issue: 983 | 19th day of Hunting, Y25
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Where All Things Begin

by bymoonlit


The crisp morning glittered with shiny dew drops among the grassy mountain range. In the valley, there were several thousand flowers; growing in a colourful variety of pink, red, and blue, they all blended together to make a velvety array. To the west, the sea lapped the windy shore, where black grains of sand were littered with crystal-coloured glass beads. A small old grey cottage was nestled into the bluffs, which was abandoned and had been for quite some time. It was rare to see a ship pass by, but seldom as they do, ancient bloodlines of royalty, pirates, and fishermen could be spotted on the horizon.

     One day on a high mountain peak, a band of merchants set up a small camp. They built a coal fire which glowed red and sent a stream of silver smoke up into the dim twilight. On their travels, the merchants had collected many wares and had several carts filled to the brim with goods from all over the world. The carts were covered up with tarps for the night, to protect them while the traders slept. In the morning they hiked up their carts and continued on their journey to the markets. While passing through the flowering fields they managed to find themselves jostled in the thick foliage. Bumping along in the soft soil, one very sharp jolt sent a cart tumbling over. Many items fell into the flower beds, and almost everything was recovered. However, one particular item, rare and withholding the secrets of life itself, was left behind...

     The stillness of the valley was suddenly disturbed by a deafening *shatter* to which birds took flight at the scene of the outburst. The loud noise continued to make rumbles and the flowers quaked, deep in the thickets. Something has happened... the shards of a glistening pale green egg, speckled with white spots, lay garnished around a small defenceless creature. The newborn Neopet, covered in goo, was the same colour pattern as the eggshell. Wet feathers were pressed against her body, and the little one, blinking wildly in the daylight, opened her mouth and yawned. A tremendous sigh of relief swept the valley, it was just a Baby Draik.

     A few years later...

     Canon blasts were going off in every direction. Draeyda the Speckled Draik, wielded her sword readily. The enemy ship was upon them, brandishing its terrifying flag: a red banner with a White Krawk skull and two crossed bones... Draeyda and her shipmates rode the Victory Cry: a mercenary ship, which made a fortune defending Neopia from intruders. The crew was made up of a slew of rough characters who were very good at their jobs- including Draeyda, nonetheless. The young Draik flapped her powerful wings and dove over the bow of the Victory Cry. Catching air after a free fall, she soared over the enemy ship and slashed at its sails. As she did so, a barrage of bullets flew passed her. Dodging the bullets with speed and agility, Draeyda managed to avoid the onslaught. Landing aboard the Victory Cry with a loud *thud* Draeyda's Captain, the Pirate Eyrie NaviSky yelled, "Aye! On my orders next time!"

     *clack* A cell door slammed shut on an unruly Krawk pirate. Captain NaviSky said, "That ot'ta do it." The seas were safe for the time being. As the sun set, the waning light beckoned sleep for most of the crew- but not the Captain. His job was to oversee repairs to the ship and take notes on the battle. And one more thing... "Draeyda!" the call echoed through the wooden frame of the ship. The Speckled Draik emerged from the hull and met the Pirate Eyrie on deck. NaviSky raised an eyebrow at his young companion, "Well now, I believ' we've been ov'r this befor'. I'm the Cap'n and I'll see commands on my orders! Not one more word about it." He gruffly shoved a mop into her chest and then proceeded to walk away. Draeyda looked down and sighed as she began to swab the deck. This was a good time to reflect: how did a Draik like her wind up with the likes of these Neopets?

     It was just a few months to the day, when the young Neopet was living on her own in the uncharted flowery bluffs. On the shore of the sea, Draeyda cast a fishing line with her heels dug into the black sand. Just then on the horizon, a ship came into view. Draeyda, who has never come across another Neopet, was suddenly stolen by wanderlust and abandoned her home at once. She took to the sky and flapped her wings as hard as they she could into the unknown. Once landing on the ship, the members of the crew beget a round of howling laughter. "What's so funny?" Draeyda's tail was caught in a fishing line. The Captain emerged from his quarters, "Ahahah!" But his belly laugh was deceiving, as the pirate eyrie was actually very kind. He shook the line loose from Draeyda's tail, "You'll be needing a home then," he said.

     A decade passed...

     Just as the Captain had taken her in, Draeyda took on her new career path. Pirate Mercenary, she would smile and say. But days grew into months, and months grew into years. No longer a Spring Draik, Draeyda had started to wonder how she got here. Not "here" here, aboard the Victory Cry. But where did she come from? One day sitting across from her old friend the Captain at breakfast, Draeyda worked some courage and asked, "Do you ever wonder where all things begin?" The Captain shook his head "No, Drae, I don't believ' so." But then he smiled. The Victory Cry sailed across the shimmery domain of the sea, until suddenly a shipmate called out "Land HO!" In the distance, one could see a lush green mass- a breeze coming off the land ruffled Draeyda's feathers. Making good time, only a few minutes later the ship gently breached the black sands of the beach.

     Stepping foot onto the sandy black shore Draeyda's senses were flooded with memory. Acquiring her "land legs" she followed the Captain along a trail that headed up to the bluffs. Each year, wildflowers would come into bloom and the hillside would be ripe with the scent of nectar. "I guess we got here jus' in time," he said to Draeyda. "Look!" Draeyda pointed at an old grey cottage, nestled into the sea bluffs. Down the trail, they went, towards the abandoned cottage. As NaviSky pushed open the front door, a plume of dust puffed into the air, causing them both to *cough*. Taking a quick look around- "This'll do the trick." NaviSky handed Draeyda a broom...

     After dusting the house all day, the Captain took a long look at Draeyda and sighed, "Well we bes' be takin' off." The Captain's gaze met the stare of his old friend, and the Draik and the eyrie shook hands. "It's been great Draeyda." He knew their friendship would last a long time. Captain NaviSky embarked upon the Victory Cry, sailing away until the ship was a small speck in the distance. Draeyda, staying behind, jumped up and down waving her hands on the beach, until darkness crept across the sky. The Speckled Draik then retired to her *new* home and just a few moments later, a stream of silver smoke trailed up from the chimney into the night.

     The End.

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