Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,578,187 Issue: 990 | 25th day of Hiding, Y25
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Castle Planner's Journal: The Undercobble
"The whole castle of Meridell was buzzing with activity as it prepared for yet another feast. The King had declared this feast to be in honour of the healthy rains observed across Meri-Acres..."

by ferretboy85


Faellie Tales 10: Burrow
An underground haven.

by coco6468


Buzzerfeed Reviews: The Record by Petgenius
Surely everyone in the Underground has heard of them by now, but we would not be doing our due diligence as indie music reporters if we failed to cover petgenius before they break into the mainstream. Collab with wizzy13_7

by phlyarologist


The Daily Life of a Grey Kacheek
"The journey home was mercifully uneventful, but Olivia couldn’t sleep. She was left with raw anxiety after her tough trip through the Haunted Woods..."

by chesschocolate

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