Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,607,338 Issue: 992 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y25
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NeoDorks - Chocolate Ball Edition

by ixienthusiast

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Welcome (Back) to Neopia!
If you’re just coming back after some time away from Neopia, it is good to see you here again after so many years. If you’ve never left, sit down anyway and let’s reminisce together.

by neogirl67890682


Polly Poogle's Amazing Race
"'Wow...! Look at them run!' exclaimed Polly, watching the annual Poogle Race from the sanctity of her home..."

by skweebz


Return to White River
"Portia let Charrie think on what she had said for a few days, keeping conversations polite but distant. She got back to daily operations of running the town, while..."

by hzoo_26


The Fright Side: Uninvited Guest part 1
A fearsome spirit has awoken...

by halloween_luck

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