Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,607,338 Issue: 992 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y25
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Cooking Pot Conundrum

by leighlizzzie

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Polly Poogle's Amazing Race
"'Wow...! Look at them run!' exclaimed Polly, watching the annual Poogle Race from the sanctity of her home..."

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FALL-tastic: Best Autumn Items Guide - Foregrounds
Are you ready to enjoy the season of Fall to the fullest? Then check out this guide!!

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Turn and Return - Pt. 11

by hamster_z


The First Crashing of the First Festival
"She took in the Ixi's festival attire, a composition of mesh, glitter, and denim that had gone past the point of distress and into agony..."

by liouchan

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