Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,679,377 Issue: 997 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y25
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Stew Askew

by __midge__

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Bade Idea, Dude: Dice A Roo
Dare to roll...

by fluffy_bumbkin


The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
Wrapped in her towel, Miphie did her best to look as though she hadn’t just fallen into a pond. Despite her best efforts, a puddle of lake water was steadily growing at the base of the chair.

by josephinefarine


Teamwork Makes the Treasure Work
"'Ouch!' Marty stopped swimming as he scraped his fin on yet another loose nail. 'Trying to get this done fast is only slowing me down AND is going to give me Fuzzy Fungus...'"

by racoon188


A Light in White River
Jackson Reyas plucked a tune on his guitar aimlessly, trying to keep the growing anxiety at bay. Hannah slept in the other room, thank Fyora.

by hzoo_26

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