There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,832,142 Issue: 1007 | 3rd day of Hunting, Y26
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A Delicious Friendship

by virtualgf

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Purrposterous 2
The Pant Devil's alter ego...

by sonderponder


Smiling: Neopia's Best Medicine
Collab with Dariganey & music_fan_04

by shenkuun


Uriela and the Chain
On a warm spring night in Neopia Central, the faintest hint of a breeze traveled through the streets, creeping in through an open window that it found along the way.

by turbomun


Elizia and the Krawk Island Boat Race
"The sun was bright in the sky the next morning, the sands warm beneath Elizia’s feet. A trickle of sweat ran down her face..."

by platinum_marauder

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